Online, SKUDAI
Selection Process
A total of 6 teams will take part in this tournament. It will be based on a first come first serve basis
All Players must be GESS student and alumni
Team captains are required to update the admin beforehand and provide full details on players and Stand-ins. This includes full name, in game nickname, and steam account.
Each team consists of 5 players and 1 stand-in player (total 6) but cannot be an existing player in the tournament. (even if that player was eliminated in an earlier stage)
Table group
Each team will play with each team
Win will equal to 1 point and loss will equal to 0
Best of two format will be used
Top two team will play in winner bracket and 3rd and 4th will play in loser bracket
Bottom 2 team will be eliminated
Play on best of 3 format until grand final
Start and End Date:
The tournament will run from for the set amount of days posted on the tournament page.
Starting Match:
All teams are expected to be online 10 minutes before the start of the match.
Recording Scores:
Score from all matches will be recorded by GESS admins. In the case of a tournament being livestream, featured games such as handpicked games from the first round, semifinals, loser bracket finals, grand finals will be broadcast with live commentary Malay or English
Schedule Changes:
Game dates are subject to change if the situation and time table allows it.
Any team with a problem regarding the date change will need to provide a valid and reasonable excuse to demand a date change.

Breach of Rules:
Foul language, offensive and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated from any player and will result in the following:
First Warning that the team captain has to acknowledge
Second Warning will lead to forfeiting the game
Third Warning will lead to disqualification from the tournament

Match Rules:
Lobby Password: Mandatory*
Game Name: Optional
Enable Cheats: OFF
Bot Difficulty: Random
Version: Tournament
Series Type: No Series – Bo1 – Bo3 – Bo5 (Unless stated otherwise)
Game Mode: Captains Mode
Starting Team: Random
Penalty-Radiant: None
Penalty-Dire: None
Server Location: SEA
Spectators: Enable
Dota TV Delay: 2 minutes

Here are the Lobby Rules:
*Share the Lobby Password with the opposing team to allow them to find your game.
Disconnect/connection issues:
All games are to be played on Luxembourg servers by default unless stated otherwise.
Teams with mutual agreement to play on a different server are allowed to do so.
In case of any disconnects, both teams will need to pause the game until the player has reconnected.
Pauses need to be justified immediately to the other team. Disruptive pauses will be flagged and closely monitored.
Some situations maybe require a last resort of using “Load Game”, this needs an admin’s approval.
Game Admin:
In case of any dispute regarding any issue, the final decision will be made by the admin.
Game Admin has the power to refute any rule depending on the situation at hand.