Mordheim: Into the Mirage

Mordheim: Into the Mirage

Strats: 19th August

Assumed amount of Players: 24

Three eight Player Qualifier Teams, followed by 12 Player Upper and Lower Divisions, followed by 16 Player (all 12 from Upper- and top 4 from Lower Division) Elimination. One (1) PvP each followed by two (2) PvE each week, for at least 18 PvP and 34 PvE total, up to 22 PvP and 42 PvE total.

Time elapse: 22 Weeks approx., depending on holiday- and vacation seasons involved.

Warband Rank 0 Progression Tournament with Exhibition (non-progression) PvP games. One PvP game and two PvE Missions a week, holiday seasons exempted. Falling behind schedule more than one week results in one's termination from the tournament. Before Elimination, all remaining opponents get to choose between 7 Points or a Compensation when they would have played against the Player terminated, in Elimination this means an automatic victory for the opponent. Each Player is also allowed one (1) forfeit on the time of their choice, forfeit has to be declared well beforehand and not invoked retroactively. Opponent of the forfeit match chooses between 7 Points and a Compensation for themselves, and the one who used forfeit gets the remaining option.
Exception: during the first two weeks, one has to play their PvPs, in order to show proof of presence, so that the absent Players can be replaced with willing participants, neither falling behind nor Forfeit allowed by default during these two weeks. Specifically informed exceptions may be allowed if the reason is good.

Warbands: 4 of each present. Registering Players have to inform whether they have access to Witch Hunters and/or Undead DLC Warbands. They may also give their Top 3 preference list for Warbands they most would prefer to play as. Warbands are randomized at a later date, but preferences influence results.

How to Play?
1: Fresh Rank 0 Start Warband. The very first Mission is a PvP.
2: Each PvP is followed by two (2) PvE Missions of any Difficulty.
3: One may not use any Veteran Points at the start, only if given as an Automatic benefit due loss.
4: One may not Hire Hired Swords unless given a one-use-only Automatic benefit for taking such, except the free samples due Reputation Rewards.
5: One may not play any Story Missions.
6: One can use Normal quality Consumables during Qualifier PvPs, Good quality during League PvPs, and Masterwork quality during Elimination PvPs. PvE use not limited.
7: DLC Heroes are a free game, including the free Rank 0 samples.

8: Mandatory Reserves:
8.1: Reserves have to be filled, and in this order: 3 Henchmen, 1 Leader, 4 Heroes (and/or Impressive/-s). So everyone starts with all 3 of the Reserve Slots filled with Henchmen, the first unlocked extra Reserve Slot goes to the replacement Leader, and all the rest of the Reserve Slots are for Heroes and/or Impressives.
8.2: When playing PvE Missions, one has to use the composition with least Ranks possible, Impressive Rank counts twice (once for both Hero Slots). See under Discussion sub-forum for helpful pinned pictures for example cases. Exception: This rule can not force one to use a Henchman on the Hero Slot nor need to wait for Characters Healing nor Training.
8.3: In PvP, one can use any configuration of Characters regardless of Rank, mandatory Reserves is only a limitation for progression in PvE.

No further limitations apply for progression nor PvEs.

Rules of PvP:

The following Objectives define the Points given for each PvP:
+2 Points for making one's enemy Rout. +3 Points instead if one started the Mission with fewer Characters than the opponent, as shown on the Victory/Defeat screen;
+2 Points for Wyrdstone Rush: having collected at least 9 pieces of the Wyrdstone on the map, have enemy vouch for it as proof. Reduced to +1 Points only if one started the Mission with 10 Characters, as shown on the Victory/Defeat screen;
+X Points for Marked for Death, where X is the amount of Tokens required for the Objective. Note that this is the Objective that is specifically put as the Objective for both Players in the Exhibition Lobby;
+3 Points for Crush Their Will: Enemy Idol in one's Cart and one's own Idol in place. Take a screenshot and have enemy vouch for fulfilling this objective;
+3 Points killing the Daemon on the Map, take a screenshot and have enemy vouch for you having killed the Daemon. Note that there normally is no Daemon present during Qualifiers, barring a specific Compensation if the one thus Compensated so wishes.

Backtracking: 1
Timers: 90 Seconds for both.
Rout Treshold 40%.
Abandon Mission not allowed.
Roaming Monster: None (during Qualifiers), Random (during Leagues and Elimination).
And, as said, Exhibition.

After a PvP: Winner is the one who scored a higher Points total. The one who Routed, or was wiped out, "wins" if Points are equal. Both post a screenshot of their Victory/Defeat Screen and the winner reports the victory. The loser rolls once on the Compensation list.
After these steps are done, both get to play their two PvE Missions before the next PvP.

Elimination Rules:
1: In Elimination, the loser (one scoring less Points from the PvP Mission) is eliminated and the winner proceeds further.The only exception are the losers of Semi-Finals, who move to Bronze Finals instead of termination. In case of a draw on Points, the one who Routed loses, unlike previously.
2: The Players are ranked according to Division and Score, all Upper Division followed by the top 4 of the Lower Division, and gain Compensations according to their position and following the Single Elimination ordering. Note that a phrase "Before Elimination PvP X" means immediately after the previous PvP exactly as if one had lost the Mission. In case of a free choice of Compensation, the Player chooses their benefit at any point between the last and next PvP, they may wait until just before rolling for the next Elimination PvP settings (higher scorer chooses first if both have a choice). Note that each Compensation comes with included Automatic benefit.
3: Each free choice of Compensation has to be different than any of the previous free choice of Compensations the Player in question chose previously.
4: Note that any exclusion of a roll of Compensation does NOT affect the normal loss roll if such were to happen, though that only matters for the first Elimination PvP (loss Compensation if one lost the last League Mission) and Bronze Finals due to losing Players getting eliminated.

The tables rolled on will be attached. Can be found on Discord under roll-tables sub-forum.