The Last Stand: Finale

The Last Stand: Finale

Tournament Format:
1. The map pool for TLSF will be mp_burgundy, mp_matmata, mp_carentan, mp_toujane and mp_dawnville.
2. Maps are give as default in the 5 rounds of group matches, in this order: 1. Burgundy 2. Carentan 3. Dawnville 4. Matmata 5. Toujane. Maps in playoffs are chosen based on a pistol bash round. The team that loses the pistol bash, picks first. Map picking is done based on the pick-pick-kick-kick format.
3. In the group stages every team will play every opponent once, on one mr_12 map chosen by default.
4. For the playoffs, we will be using double elimination BO3 on mr_12. The amount of teams qualifying for the playoffs is set at 16. Teams will be seeded in the playoffs based on group performance.
5. In the event of a 12-12 tie in the playoffs, an mr_3 overtime will be used until there is a winner with 4 rounds.
6. A person may only play for one team at the tournament.
7. The LAN will be played 5v5, however teams can ready up with less players in extraordinary circumstances.
8. A team can register 5 players + 1 substitute/manager.

Server Settings:
9. Punkbuster must be disabled.
10. TLSA will be using zPAM 3.00 mod.
11. All other CG standard server settings will apply. Among other things, picmip3 is not allowed.
12. Game servers will be administered with rcon by the teams themselves.
13. In the event of a server crash, play will resume from the score as it stood before the crash and the round it crashed during will be replayed, regardless of the advantage any team had during the round.
14. Teams can't abuse the server rcon, this goes especially for occasions where a timeout could have been called but it was the teams own fault in not doing so, in such cases the team is forbidden to interrupt the live round unless the opponent agrees. The punishment is the loss of one round.
15. TLSF crew will be checking individual configs and settings randomly throughout the event - in case of any scripting and other abuse, the player in question will be instantly removed from the venue and his team will have to continue with a player less.

16. Prone-clipping and MG clipping are disallowed, even if they do not involve shooting. Each time they occur, the team in question will lose a round.
17. Any behaviour, gameplay-wise or other, loopholes or previously known or unknown bugs, things that cannot be covered in this ruleset, can and will be dealt with on a case by case basis at the event location.
18. There is a limit of one shotgun per team, as set by the mod. Using more than one shotgun in a team may result in a round loss or more.
19. There is a limit of one sniper per team, as set by the mod. Using more than one sniper in a team may result in a round loss or more.
20. The previous two rules also apply for situations when picking up an extra sniper rifle. However, the rifle must be used for any actual violation to occur. If teams do not have a shotgun or sniper, but stumble across one from the opponent, they are free to use them, but they cannot select more of these weapons in the next round.
21. There is setup time of a maximum of 60 minutes for teams in their new seats. Admins will force teams to ready up for a match if there is any delay. When a team ends one match, they must start another within 5 minutes maximum.
22. There will be two timeouts per map, all given at the start of the map. Tactical timeouts are allowed, but admins can ready teams up if they are intentionally delaying the tournament.
23. There can be no breaks between maps sides in a match. The teams have to switch sides and continue immediately. There can be a maximum break of 2 minutes between maps in the playoffs.
24. Substituting a player can be done in between rounds, but we suggest using a timeout first.
25. Spectating is not allowed, the team has to be rejoined immediately.
26. The bomb can be planted to any location around the bombsite as long as it stays defusable. You are also allowed to plant on top of the bomb, except on Carentan bombsite B. The use of 333 fps, nade or boosting is not allowed when you plant a bomb, or anywhere else in the game. Intentionally bugging inside bodies is not allowed. The bug known colloquially as fastshooting or reload fastshooting is forbidden on one shot weapons and will always result into a round loss, even if it does not involve actual firing - it still builds momentum and gives a time advantage.
27. Any types of scripts proven to give a real advantage or are part of not allowed binds/scripts below will not be tolerated and will result in a forfeit loss. Config settings that give a distinct advantage over the opponent may be deamed config abuse and can lead to a forfeit loss depending on severity of claim.
28. Disallowed bind and scripts:
any 'exec' or 'vstr' bind (this does not include anything related to demos or demo players)
any script including 'lookdown'
any bind including 'rate' cannot have a value outside 25000
any bind including 'com_maxfps' cannot have a value below 40 or above 250
any bind including 'attack' cannot be combined with any other command
any bind including 'frag' cannot be combined with other commands/binds
All binds/scripts that are not covered by above not allowed scripts/binds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to see if they do give an advantage.
29. All jumps, which require 250fps are generally allowed, except those that are into areas, which have see-through or other bugs in them (Carentan jump allowed)
30. Any disputes must be requested to the admins no longer than 5 minutes after the completion of the match in question. Any disputes that come to light past that time will not be considered.

31. Players have to use nicknames that are clearly understood and clearly differentiate them from their teammates. For streaming purposes, tags must be located before nicknames.
32. For simplicity's sake and streaming purposes, players should use the nicknames they registered with on LAN.
33. Admins can request a nickname and tag change, when it's appropriate for them to do so, following the above set rules.
34. If there is time for a scheduling exception, we will try and accommodate teams that would otherwise noshow a match - however, only based on early request and it can not be guaranteed. Teams that cannot make Friday due to serious travel issue can request to start playing on Saturday and will be accommodated, if there is still space (one team per seed group max).
34. In accordance with the previous rule, we can only accommodate schedule requests for teams that may not make the start of the tournament due to travel arrangements or higher power. Such requests must be made at least three weeks prior to the lan.
35. Any teams that are otherwise not present on time of their scheduled match, will receive a default loss immediately. The maximum waiting time is 5 minutes. It is therefore highly recommended to closely follow the developing schedule and not go too far from the venue when about to play.
36. It's not allowed to abuse, threaten or harm people in any physical or psychological capacity. Any such event will result into an immediate expelling from the venue and tournament. Any racist or otherwise abusive language, both in game and at the venue will also result into an automatic removal from the premises. Excessive taunting can also result into match forfeits and removal from the venue, if the admins decide so.
37. All players must record demos of all matches. Demo requests can be done up to a maximum of 5 minutes after the match and will be reviewed by three least biased admins.
38. You can miss 1 round of a demo, twice a match and only after technical difficulties. zPAM automatically records at map start. Stopping your demo during the match is not allowed, except at map changes.
39. Admins on site have the final call on punishments and any disputes. Admins are also fully responsible about who is present at the venue and can decide to remove any person if they seem appropriate.
40. TLSF reserves the right to broadcast every match.
41. TLSF reserves the right to use all audio and visual material created at the venue for promotional and marketing purposes. By participating in the tournament, every player agrees to being part of the media coverage.
42. Every player is responsible for their own mouse settings/lag solutions. You will be allowed to install mouse fix software that you send us latest a week in advance of the event. Admins will in no shape or form be working on individual mouse settings or feel. Nobody will be allowed to delay games because the mouse "feels different".
43. Every player is expected to bring their config, mouse, keyboard, and headset with them. We will not be giving any hardware to players from the venue.
44.. Outside drinks or food are allowed into the venue.