Virtual Premier League

Playstation 4
General Provisions

1. By entering and/or participating in the Competition, each Player acknowledges and
agrees to be bound by and to comply with these Rules and the Code.

2. The League reserves the right at its sole discretion to amend these Rules at any time
before or during the Competition without further notice. Any such amendments will
become effective upon publication.

3. Any matter that relates to the Competition in any way that is not provided for in these
Rules shall be determined by the League in its absolute discretion.

5. The following format will apply:

5.1 There is currently 4 divisions made up off 4 teams. At the end of the season the top 1 team will be promoted and the team at the bottom will be relegated down a division.

5.2 Each team will play a minimum of one game a week. This will be arranged by the competing teams. Therefore the league will run for a maximum of 6 weeks. If you can not agree on a time then the match will be played on the Sunday at 15:00 hours.

Match Rules

7. In advance of each Match, Players will have to add their opponents PSN as a friend. All Matches will use the retail version of FIFA 19 Online friendly Seasons game mode and the default settings of the mode will be as follows:
Half Length - 6 mins
Controls - Any
Game Speed - Normal
Squad Type - Online

8. Additional guidelines that apply to all Online Matches:
8.1 There will be no squad star restrictions.

8.2 Players should record all their Matches using the built-in recording on their
console or external recording device, these should be saved and available to
be uploaded in case of dispute.

8.3 Players must not harass, message or in any way attempt to distract or direct
others to distract their opponent.

8.4 Players must not manipulate their internet connection to negatively affect their
or their opponent’s connection or gameplay.

8.5 Players must each have a light-colored jersey and a dark colored jersey and
must choose the opposite of one other to avoid confusion. If Players can’t
agree, the home Player must choose a dark-colored jersey and the away Player
a light-colored jersey.

8.6 In the event of a disconnect, the Game should be resumed with an implied score
and the remaining time in the Match played out.

8.7 Any Player that fails to make themselves available for a Match at the agreed
kick-off time will forfeit that Match, with their opponent being granted a 3-0

8.9 The Player who wins a Match must report the score immediately on the
tournament website.

When the league gets more popular we will increase the size so more participants can join.