Cod 4 Promod p2p Tournament

You MUST read all the rules

Start times will be the same - Saturday 17:00pm , Sunday 18:00pm .

Tournament format -

Saturday 7th Dec (today) - Groups stage . 12 teams will split into 2 groups of 6 . Each team in the group will play the other 5 teams in a Bo1 Mr15 match.

Pointing system goes as follows - Win : 3 , Draw : 2 , Lose : 1

The first 4 teams from each group would go immediately to the quarter finals which will be played tonight . A bo3 match mr12

Rank 1 from group A will play vs rank 4 from group B. Rank 2 from group A vs rank 3 from group B . Rank 3 From Group A vs rank 3 From Group B . Rank 4 from group A vs rank 1 from Group B.

On day 2 (8th Sunday) Starting 18:00 PM : the playoffs- A well known single elimination brackets Two semi finals (BO3) Both matches would be played separately and casted, a 3rd place match (B01) . And the Grand finals BO3.

Veto for day 1 . Winning team veto first , then loser , then winner , loser picks map 1.
Veto for day 2 . Losing team veto first , Winner second , loser picks first map to be played.

- Teams must provide score screenshots in discord at every map end.

-Teams must have at least 5 players on their roster to play in the event
-The maximum amount of players per team is 7 players (5 lineup , 2 backup).

Server Settings
- Matches will be played on eu servers.
- For all of the event matches, pml220 must be used. The specific mode is promod_mode knockout_mr12_knife.
- For all of the event matches, 1.7
- PunkBuster must be enabled on all match servers at all times during the match.
- If the server crashes during the game, you are to continue from the previous round played.

Match Rules
- Teams must play using a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of 5.
- A team may substitute a player in a timeout during the match as long as the player is listed on the team's roster. If the player is not on the roster, the team must obtain permission from the opposing team.
- Each team is allowed one timeout per side (Attack / Defence). Teams may therefore use a maximum of 4 timeouts per map.

Time Allowance
- Should a team not ready up within 5 minutes during a side switch or within 10 minutes during a map change, the opposing team may demand a free map win, After that 10 minutes are set to start the second map. Should a team not ready , The opposing team may demand a free map win and so on.
- Teams have 5 minutes after each knife round has finished to ready up, otherwise the opposing team may claim a map win. 10 minutes will be given to start the next map.
- If you continue to play the match following a breach of either of these rules then you CANNOT dispute after the game.

The following maps may be played within the tournament :
- mp_backlot
- mp_crash
- mp_crossfire
- mp_citystreets (district)
- mp_strike

Server Crashes
If the server crashes during the game, you are to continue from the previous round played. If the match is 3 rounds or less in, then the map is to be restarted.

Illegal Scripts & Binds
Scripts & config tweaking that affects game play including but not limited to nade scripts, wait commands, macros and so forth, including configs that change commands/rates are disallowed. These commands range from set nade binds to gain the longest throw to scripting a superior firing rate of semi-automatic weapons. This also includes multi-command binds such as bind KEY "toggleads; +attack" on the scroll wheel. Players caught using illegal scripts and binds including nade scripts and weapon next binds will receive a forfeit loss and would be banned from the tournament including their team.

VSTR commands may remain in your config only if they are not bound to any key. Binded VSTR commands are illegal and may result in a forfeit loss. EXEC binds may be used.

This also includes binds to turn on certain things by using a bug exploit. Depending on the bind, the player can receive a ban for bug abuse.

Bugs and Glitches
- It is NOT permitted for any user to take advantage of map bugs (for example elevators, outside the boundaries of the map, under the map and so forth) or glitches during a match.
- Glitching is defined as moving or seeing through or over a physical object and is NOT permitted.
selfspec is not allowed , (looking downwards next to an object, Allowing you to see and not be seen ( example : A wooden on crash looking head down in the window allowing you to see people on the A site without them being able to see you.
- Grenade jumps and anything similar are NOT permitted.
- The use of silent drops is permitted but only in the case of known silent drops.
- Players are only allowed to bounce to places which can be reached without the use of a bounce. Bouncing to roofs and balconies which are unreachable in a normal way is prohibited.
- Straight forward jumps and those that do not involve any part of the in-game character moving through a physical object, are allowed.
- Boosting is only allowed to boost players to spots where a player can get to by themselves.
- Boosting by shooting own players is not allowed. For every round this occurs, the round will be defaulted to the opposing team. If this occurs more than 3 times during the match it will be defaulted to the opposing team.
- Players who are caught using bugs or glitches immediately forfeit the round. If this occurs on more than 2 occasions then the match will be forfeited.

- Third Party programs :
Using any third party software (e.g. nVidia Control Panel or RivaTuner) to tweak Graphics settings to give you an advantage - for example Ambient Occlusion is NOT allowed.
- Any player caught cheating by demo or anticheat will be banned . We will determine the ban length as seen fit. Bans of this nature are usually given a length of 5 years.

Any allegation of cheating is to be supported with a dispute (according to the rules set out below), demo and timestamps.

This also includes the use of fullbright.

Abuse and Racism
A warning or ban will be given to any player found to be abusing another team/player. Racism is strictly forbidden and will result in an instant match ban.

Abuse against an admin in game, dispute chat or private message will not be tolerated and may result in an instant ban.

Disputes, Demos , records and Screenshots
Teams who wish to dispute a match for a breach of any of the above rules may do so by sending a pm to an admin.
- All matches played need to be recorded and demos should be kept until 48 hours after the match was played. Should a dispute be opened, demos should be kept until 48 hours after the dispute is solved. Failing to follow these rules will lead to a direct forfeit loss for the team.

- Opponents have the right to request five (5) demos from their
opponents if they suspect foul play. If a demo is missing more than 3 rounds then a default map win will be awarded to the opposing team. For each round that is missing, the round will be forfeited.

- Teams/players must request a demo by writing the nickname of the required player(s) not in-game. If a player has a different nickname in-game, you may request that the player uses their Discord nickname.

Failure to comply with demo requests will result in a forfeit win (If a demo is missing from 1 map only that map to be forfeited).

Teams have 10 minutes to ask for demos or voice record since the match ended.

Players have 30 minutes to make timestamps which will be reviewed by the demo crew immediately.