XGD Invitational League

Xul Gin Distillery Esports Invitational League S9

Por DWhitt
Map Pool:
🔹Alterac Pass
🔹Battlefield of Eternity
🔹Braxis Holdout
🔹Cursed Hollow
🔹Dragon Shire
🔹Garden of Terror
🔹Infernal Shrines
🔹Sky Temple
🔹Tomb of the Spider Queen
🔹Towers of Doom
🔹Volskaya Foundry
🔹Lost Mines/ARAM Map
However, anything is playable if both captains explicitly agree.
Skin bans follow all NGS rules
Note: if an off-roster sub is needed, then you must use a player with an assigned role in this discord channel (Players that have participated in NGS heroic division, equivalent, or higher excluded). Please give advanced notice whom is subbing (1+ Hours) to your opponent. Games played with non-approved subs will be forfeit.
Each team gets 20 minutes of total wait time per match unless otherwise agreed upon by both captains.