Dreamcup Rocket League

Dreamcup Rocket League #DHSEV18

Por DreamHack Spain
Fibes Sevilla, DreamHack Sevilla
1) Registration:

1.a) To register to the tournament, all members of the team must have bought the BYOC or BYOC VIP ticket in our shop: https://shop.dreamhack.com/

1.b) Fill the form to register to the tournament and wait until on member of the staff validates your data.

1.c) Remember that participantes in the BYOC tournaments must bring their own computers and peripherals. For those who don't want to bring their computers, we offer the option to rent a computer with one of our providers: http://elitegamingcenter.com/store/kitelite/index.php?lang=en
2) Check-in

2.1) Check-in will be done on site before the start of the tournament in the "info esports point". Deadline for the check-in is 1 hour before the start.

2.2) Players that haven't checked-in when in the specified time won't be able to play the tournament. Teams that don't have the minimum of players needed will be disqualified.

2.3) At the moment of the check-in, each player must tell the admins the seat place number.
3) Players:

3.1) Minimum age to play the tournament is 16 years old.

3.2) Players must use the same name in-game that the one provided to this platform.

3.3) Each player must known the event rules and respect them during the whole tournament, as well as shown respect for the rest of participants in the tournament.
4) Teams:

4.1) Each team must have at least 3 players to register.

4.2) Teams can register from 3 to 5 players.

4.3) Rotations must be done before the match starts or between games. Only in case of healthy reasons or justificable ones, a change will be allowed during the game.

4.4) The captain's team will be the contact person during the whole tournament and the responsible of the communication with the admins.
5) Match:

5.1) Teams must respect tournament schedule. In case or delay, admins can warn with a "Late show" or ban teams to avoid delays.