Golden Invitational Amateur Tournament ~ Powered by Prime eSports

Por Prime eSports
-3 Strike Method: The three strike method is used to caution or punish teams that are committing minor offenses… this strike method is used to prevent, in most cases, the repeating of offenses. 3 Strikes = 1 automatic loss in the next match (16-5 → Automatic Score).
-No smurfing: Smurfing will result in the kicking of the player (smurf) from the tournament and 3 automatic losses for the “smurfing” team (16-0). Smurfing can be defined as playing with a higher tiered csgo player therefore increasing one’s team average above gold nova 3 (this can also be done with second accounts that have lower ranks than their primary rank).
-No hacks of any kind: Hacking will result in the banning of the player (hacker) from the tournament and all other future events. A team with a hacker will, also, be banned from the tournament and all other future events (unless later permitted by an administrator through an appeal process).
-No DDoS(ing): DDoS(ing) will result in the banning of the player (DDoSer) from the tournament and all other future events. A team with a “DDoSer” will, also, be banned from the tournament and all other future events (unless later permitted by an administrator through an appeal process).
-Check-in at LEAST 15 minutes before matches: Failure to check in on time will result in a strike (unless postponed ahead of time). Check-ins must be done by the team captain or owner through Discord or the tournament website in order to contact an administrator (Gameisawesome345 #6073)
-3 Player Limit: All teams must have at least 3 players in order to participate in a match. Playing a tournament match with less than 3 players will result in an automatic loss (16-5) unlessed postponed by administrator 1 hour prior to the match (after being notified by team captain or owner).
-1 Hour Advance for Postponing: If a team wants to postpone a match, the team captain or owner must contact an administrator 1 hour prior to the match they wish to postpone. Failure to do so on time will result in 2 strikes (can still be postponed if contact is late). If a team fails to contact an administrator AND fails to show up to their match… the team will be considered as SKIPPING A MATCH (See the rule below).
-Matches can only be postponed twice: Failure of a team to attend (less than 3 players) a postponed match will result in an automatic loss (16-5)… if postponed officially by an administrator.
-Skipping a match: Missing a tournament match without contacting an administrator will result in an automatic loss in their skipped match (16-5) AND an extra 2 strikes.
-No Trash-Talking or Foul Language toward others: If a team or team member is speaking negatively about another team or other team member (and an administrator recognizes) a strike will be issued to the team immediately. If there is excessive language to a major and unacceptable extent, an administrator may use their discretion to issue multiple strikes, mutes, or kicks. More actions may be made later after overall observation of the scenario.
-To Be Continued: Please use common sense when participating in our events (tournaments and leagues). While this is intended to be a very competitive and serious tournament, it is also meant to be professional. Child-like and inappropriate behavior will not be accepted. While losing is hard for almost everyone, please maintain your composure for the sake of your team, and others. Please learn to, both, lose and win respectfully and politely. Administrators may use their own discretion when muting, banning, kicking, and issuing strikes… despite if the specific issues are not addressed in the rules. These, however, can be appealed later on by contacting the owner (Carterrowe345#6073) (CRowe345).