Overranked Community League Season 1

Por Overranked Community
Online, United States of America
General Rules 1
+Dont be a dick
+If you have questions on the rules please ask in #questions-to-staff and do not complain about them
+Do not ping the admins or staff individually unless needed
+Try to refrain from @'ing anyone explicitly, do not @ anyone multiple times as the bot deletes spammy, duplicated text
+Respect is the best rule we have, treat our staff with respect as we have worked hard to make the league the best we can
+We do not tolerate: racism, sexism, homophobia or any bigoted speech
+We do not allow derogatory terms in any form even when used in a 'friendly' manner
+Dont break the law or THE LAW will break you
+Please follow the Discord ToS: https://discordapp.com/terms
+Do not spam DM any of our staff
+Do not advertise for any other Discord servers. You will immediately be muted and the link will be deleted
+Try and refrain from spamming chat (the bot will delete quick, rapid messages: 5msgs/4secs)
+NSFW is prohibited, posting it will result in a kick or ban
+NSFW names and profile pictures are also prohibited
+Names should be readable
+No large arguments should be in our general chats, take it to DMs
+Please use each channel for its purpose
+Swearing is allowed but not excessively(edited)
Discord Terms of Service
This the Discord ToS meta description. Wow, helpful meta description Discord. Thanks!

Breaking a Rule 2
If you are reporting a player please have ample evidence: vods, screenshots, etc
If any rule is broken, the issue will be brought to the Jury and a verdict will be made
You will be given a chance to plead your case and provide evidence for either side of the case (defending or prosecuting).(edited)
Use For Channels 3
#schedule-and-standings : this channel is for teams to see the games, weeks matchups and standings within the league
#role-request : use this to request the following roles [Caster, Producer, Teams, Team Leader, Team Owner, Team Coach]
#announcements : keep an eye on this channel to see important announcements and information in the server
#feedback : use this to give any constructive critism to the staff/server. any rude or useless comments will be deleted
#chit-chat : this chat is to be used for general talks and conversations. all general rules apply here
#questions-to-staff : use this to ask us staff any questions and we will answer to you
#overwatch : talk about anything overwatch related, strats, metas or league games
#bot-commands : use any bot commands here (music commands, etc)
#starboarad : R.Danny bot will put in starred posts. you can star a post by reacting with a star
#usercontent : post twitch links, instagram and any shameless self promotion here. please do not spam this channel with links
#recruitment : use this channel to find a team or find players
#looking-for-scrim : post here if you are looking for a scrim
#coaching-and-vods : you can ask for coaching or post vods and ask for coaching(edited)
Twitch Shows 4
CabbagePatch: Our host CabbageHeadPHD will interview players and coaches
OverTime: This show will be reflecting over the best plays, players and teams of the week(edited)
Team and League Rules 5
+Teams must submit names of players and coaches
+Teams must update us on new players, new coaches and new SR averages
+Team average SR should be between 2.5k and 3.5k
+Players should be no more than 3600 SR. This is a hard cap for registration, if any player is over this SR they will not be allowed to play in the League
+Players peaking 3700+ in any past season will be ineligible to compete
+Players may climb to 3700 after the League has already started. Anything over that (3700) and a player will be disqualified for the season and not allowed to compete anymore. Players between 3600-3700 during the season will be allowed to play but players over 3600 will not be allowed to play in the league next/succeeding seasons
+Teams must verify rosters with admins before playing matches
+5 minutes of pause time will be alloted for each team per match (10 minutes of pause time overall)
+Teams must have a member of staff present for a league game as well as the match must be recorded or streamed by someone
+Players may leave and rejoin teams but players can only play on one team per week (not including subs)
+Smurfing is not allowed, players must have an account at level50+ with the current season and last season ranked
+Roster cap is 12 members, coaches do not count in this. 6 is the minimum number of players
+Teams will be given maps for each week and they will have one week from the time the maps are announced to schedule their game and play their games, unless communicated between both captains and an admin. If a team does not show, that team will receive a forfeit. If both teams do not show up to their match admins will step in and there is a chance of both teams receiving forfeits and map losses
+Teams are allotted 12 roster members which includes substitutes. If a non registered substitute is needed, they will need to be approved by the admin(edited)
Game Format and Maps 6
Teams will play four maps minimum and a fifth map in case of a tie
The map rotation will go: Control / Escort / Assault / Hybrid / Control
Teams will be given a map pool each week that they will play
The custom map settings should be as followed:
Competitive Game Mode
Kill cam: Off
Skins: Disabled
Hero Limit: One per Team
Everything else should be set default(edited)
Lobby 7
The following will be allowed in the lobby:
6 players from each team playing
Coaches/substitute players must be locked to specific teams
1+ staff member present to spectate
One person in the game: staff member, player or coach must be recording or streaming the game(edited)
All Stars Games 8
At the ending of an OverRanked Community League Season, we will hold All Stars Games
Each team will be submitting the top2 players of their choice as well as players will be invited based off of OverTime
Two team captains will be nominated inside of the pool of All Stars Players
The two teams will play matches over the course of two-three days (three matches of best of five)(edited)
Once you have read all these rules please use the command ?rank Community in #role-request, by gaining your rank you confirm that you have read and agree to all our rules(edited)