Fortnite Single League

Playstation 4
Por Yenki96
FSL Rules

1 Game rules

1.1 30 Minutes before the game start must everyone in
Playstation Party join. If you do not join 30 Minutes
before the game start you will be disqualifed for the
whole day of play.
1.2 If you have a kill please send screenshots in the PS4
Party if you do not do it the kill is invalid.
1.3 The 1v1 matches are there to compare the points who
won the most kills the 1v1 game should example: the
Opponent early dead is you then won but only if the op-
ponent has little kills if the has more kill than you and
he has not won yet but if you are dead with few kills then
he has won.
2 Discord, PS4 Party chat

2.1 When the game starts please do not chat in the PS4 Party
2.2 With 3 times Chat offense becoms a lock of 2 Match days
2.3 In discord there is a lobby to chat
- No insults, discrimination and rascist

I send friend requestion to PS4
I invite everyone 1 hour before the game starts party on PS4