Stigma Season 1 Main Event

Stigma Season 1 Main Event

By Emenjay
1st: $100

Roster Size and Limitations:
Teams may submit a roster of up to 7 players large, with 5 starters and 2 substitutes. Steam profiles and proof of main account must be provided on signup. Every team is allowed to join this tournament.

Map Veto
Maps are to be decided via Select the active duty map-pool and have the first person to ban be random. In a bo1 every team will ban twice and the map will be random out of the last 3 maps. For a bo3 its ban-ban-pick-pick-ban-ban-random so there will be 1 map left in the pool.

Sportsmanship and Behaviour
Unsportsmanlike behaviour both in game and out of a game will not be tolerated. Players/teams that show negative behaviour towards opposing teams can result in points being lost for the team, or even expulsion if the violation is severe. Any complaints need to be forwarded to an admin either via email or steam.

Rosters and Participants

Roster Size and Substitutes
Teams are allowed a maximum of 7 players and a minimum of 5 to compete in the tournament, 5 main roster players and 2 substitutes.

Roster Changes
In the event of a roster change, The core need to be the same when u signed up so 3 players need to be the same. So if 3 people leave the team u are not allowed to continue the tournament. We won’t permit roster changes between teams that are active in the league. Every roster will be locked when the first game of the tournament has started.
Every roster change needs to be reported to the Admins.

Teams dropping

A team that drops out of the competition will have all its results voided. Every team that has had or will have a match against them is given a default win. If a dropped team gets rebuilt it can get reinstated, as long as an admin believes that the new roster is close enough to the old one to get to keep their spot. No new teams will be added to fill spots during the competition.

1.3 Match Rules

Map Exploitation
“Pixel Walking” and similar exploitations of a map which are not intended to be used by the map creators are strictly forbidden. Teams caught using these will be penalised appropriately.

Buy, toggle and demo scripts are allowed. Additionally, jump throw scripts will be allowed, but only these 4 may be used. If a team suspects a player to be using anything other than these, action will be taken if evidence is provided for an admin.

Cheats and 3rd Party Software
Cheats and hacks aren’t allowed. Any team caught using these will be expelled from the tournament.

If a player is absent from the match that has already been decided at a specific time, the team with the missing player(s) is allowed up to 15 minutes until the game must begin, regardless of whether the player is present or not. However, if the opposing team will allow more time that is acceptable. Substitutes at the last minute can be used. If a team is believed to have infringed this rule evidence of this must be provided.

Knife Round
A knife round should be played to determine the starting sides.

Overtime consists of 6 rounds with $10000 starting cash. Overtime must be played out; there cannot be a “draw”.

Server Config
The server needs to run the esl5on5.cfg file if you are playing on a non-popflash server. The cfg file can be found here:

If a team cannot continue a game, the current and remaining maps are treated as a 0-16 loss. No penalty will be introduced, however, if a team are shown to be purposely throwing a game and wasting the other team’s time, appropriate action and penalties will be considered.

Results Presentation

The leader of each team is expected to provide evidence of the final result of each map and the veto (if necessary).

Screenshots of the end of each half need to be taken by at least 1 member of each team, preferably the leader. Without these the organisers cannot accept a final result unless there is a demo available or through confirmation of both teams.


It is mandatory for all players to record pointofview(POV) demos.(POV) demos for the full duration of all matches without exceptions.A possible knife round is part of the first half and has to be recorded. Possible overtimes have to be recorded as well andare part of the second half. As long as one of the players/teams is able to upload the knife round on admin request therewill be no consequences for a missing knife round. In case noplayer/team can upload the demo on request theplayer/team will receive penalty. Protests regarding missing knife rounds are not valid.In general not working or manipulated demos will be treated as missing demos, although the final decision is up to theadmin. If the demo is incomplete, the admin will decide whether or not it will be treated as a missing demo.If a protest has been opened for a match, all match mediamust be kept for at least 7days until after the protest isclosed.

Requesting demos

Demos can only be demanded up to a maximum of 60 minutes after a match. A demo request must state the side (CT orT) and the map, if more maps have been played.
If a player or a team illegally aborts the match, they lose their right to demand demos. Maximum amount of demos (onedemo = one half) that can be requested: maximum4 demos per team.Both sides should check the demo requests of a match after the 60 minutes have passed. The requested demos mustbe uploaded to the enemy teamand to admin within 24 hours.After 24 hours deadline the player(s) still have not uploaded their replay(s), the match may be deleted and the player(s)and team punished with penalties.

Uploading demos
Demos have to be packed into a .zip archive. All corrupted files will be declined.

Editing demos
It is strictly forbidden to edit demos. If a replay has been manipulated, the admin team will decide what penalty isappropriate.

Cheating Accusations
If a team believes the opposition to have cheated in some form or another, a demo must be provided, with an explanation of why the opposition is believed to be cheating and timestamps for when suspicious play takes place. It is not up to the admins to review the whole demo. Please include these accusations in an email separate to the final results. The accusations will be reviewed and any necessary action will take place as soon as possible.

Tactical" Pauses
There has been a lot of tactical pauses used just for the sake of pauses in games and it wastes everyone's time.
I propose you have 4 tactical timeouts per game (2 per half). they each last up to 3 mins long and you can use up to 3 mins but no time over that. If you don't use your pauses in a half you can't use them in a different one. If you use 15 seconds of a pause but u dont use that 2:45 you can't use it along with a different one.

You get 15 minutes of a technical timeout.

The rules can always be changed by the admin's. No matter the reason is in favour of the participant or admin.