Mordheim "Summer" 2017
Turn timer : 105s
Deploy timer : 90s
Backtracking: 1
Rout Threshold : 40%
Auto-deploy : Off
Map : Random (excluding library)
Winning Conditions : none
Consumables : 2 consumables per character (only 2 item slots filled per character). You can loot enemy consumables.

-The winner of each match provides a screenshot of the result on the mordheim website, this topic:

-You have to use the same warband (not the same composition) for the whole tourney (this can be easily checked with screens).

-You can't use/loot search points in the map, using 1 by mistake it's okay, but exploiting them it's not. Remember you CAN loot enemy corpses for their consumables.

-If both players agree BEFOREHAND they can restart for another map when getting ambushes. Talk this before starting the game, and understand if your opponent doesn't want, ambushes are a valid strategy, but I want to allow players to choose what they think it's most fun for both.

-Gentlemen like behavior in victory and defeat it's expected, bring only 2 consumables. Breaking the rules will result in disqualification.