PC, Xbox One
-GodTier players can't play with GodTier players.

-GodTier Players can only have one SS player on their team.

(Spaceman's 3v3 Tierlist)

-Winners of pervious tournaments must be split up.

-All matches are best of 3

-Championship match best of 5

-Each team will pick 1 leader to ban for the entire match. (Leader ban is not double-sided, your team can pick the leader you banned for the other team.)
- No Repeat Leaders per Team ( Only 1 leader can be used per series, per team)
- 1st Map is BEDROCK the losing team picks the next map.
-You have 15 minutes to show up to your game or you may be DQed.
-5 min until DQ in-between maps.
- If a player disconnects after the 45 second mark a poll will be run to decide if the match will be replayed again or not.(it's what the people want)
-Free entry
-No Repeat leader
-No Repeat Map
-No Sentry
-No Badlands
-No Fort Jordan
-No Exploits
-No Glitches
-Cannot Use Abilities From Garrisons
-All matches must be played out in there entirely. If someone is cheating, record it and play it out. If you quit you will forfeit.
-If A Game Lags out because of John Bug. Johnny Player Loses
-None of that Leader Highjack jackrabbit bullshit
-Yodesla jerks off to henti porn
-L1am The L1ar stole 2k
-Node Strat is banned
-No streaming your game or you will forfeit.
-Turtling is allowed up to 1 hour then the game ends in a draw. And map is picked by chat.
- During best of 5. If it goes last game, the opposing team will pick each other's leader.
-Must be 18+ to receive payouts

(Node Strat) cannot start to grab a node without the intention of immediately clearing it of sentinels
(example grabbing a node with a cloaked grunt)

Do not Sign up on a smurf or you will be removed.

At any time Spaceman has the right to run a poll to change a rule temporarily (it's what the people want)

It is up to the players to determine if a rule is broken. As the caster, I cannot see everything and am trying to entertain the people. Please take your own proof and play the map out entirety. IF YOU QUIT ON THE SPOT BECAUSE OF CHEATING YOU'RE AT RISK OF A FORFEIT.

At any time Spaceman can run a poll to temporarily bend the rules. ( It's what the people want )