[CATS] ArrayCats
[UPR] Union of Pens & Rifles
[CATS] ArrayCats
[UPR] Union of Pens & Rifles

Players in the match

[CATS] ArrayCats

[CATS] Meguru_0v0
No information on this player
[CATS] _Lalala
No information on this player
[CATS] arm_TOM
No information on this player
[CATS] Best_Yuzu_Soft
No information on this player
[CATS] BlueWhite_Pants
No information on this player
[CATS] Escape_From_WOWS
No information on this player
[CATS] misamaSSS
No information on this player
[VOR] Nephren_Ruq_Insania
No information on this player
[CATS] saya_poi_poi
No information on this player
[CATS] Shizuku_0v0
No information on this player
[CATS] SKreuz
No information on this player
[CATS] The_Steel_Shadow
No information on this player
[GPF] TowardsXY
No information on this player

[UPR] Union of Pens & Rifles

[NF2CN] LuckyStar_Piggy
No information on this player
[PRPRN] Apocalypse_Ryuuko
No information on this player
[UTPA] 35619456
No information on this player
No information on this player
[R-LAB] RampageBullet
No information on this player
[PRPRN] Sensei_Liu
No information on this player
[IM-EU] starMr
No information on this player
[PRPRN] Tintincat
No information on this player
[UTPA] LZ_Braveheart
No information on this player
[YK_KZ] Sawano_Hiloyuki
No information on this player
[YLONG] Youlongsihai
No information on this player
No information on this player
[RSTC] Feryquitous_
No information on this player
[POTC] HrtFlow3
No information on this player
[POTC] CrticalStrikeSingledog
No information on this player