1. General: 1.1 All times posted are in BST. 1.2 All attendees of the event are to follow all rules defined by Player1 Events for Insomnia Gaming Festival and its tournaments. These rules can be found at https://insomniagamingfestival.com/esports-terms-and-conditions/ and https://insomniagamingfestival.com/terms-and-conditions/
2. Players: 2.1 All players have to record POV demos. 2.2 Offensive nicknames and avatars are not allowed. 2.3 Offensive content in-game is not allowed. 2.4 All players have to provide their SteamID64. 2.5 In official matches players must use their actual ETF2L nickname. It has to be easily readable for anyone spectating or casting the game. No fake-nicks or similar are allowed. Alternative nicknames must be approved by an admin in advance. 2.6 Players in invite or playoffs are not allowed to livestream or in any other way broadcast their matches from the event! 2.7 All players must have a valid BYOC (Standard, Priority, or VIP) ticket for Insomnia 69
3. Teams: 3.1 Teams are allowed to have 7 players rostered. 3.2 Teams are allowed to play with all players on their roster during a tournament. 3.3 Teams are not allowed to add players to the roster during the tournament. 3.4 Teams are not permitted to use merc/ringers with the exception of extreme cases, and must be given permission from admins before use.
4. Match Rules: 4.1 All matches are to be played with the latest version of the ETF2L config. 4.2 All matches are to be played with the latest version of the ETF2L whitelist. 4.3 Class limits are 2 for each of scout, soldier and spy; 1 for all other classes (6v6). 4.4 In the case teams are not assigned a LAN server by the tournament admins teams decide together which server they want to play on. If there is no agreement to be found, the tournament admins will decide. 4.5 The winning team is responsible for reporting the match result on Toornament or sending tournament admins screenshots (status/scoreboard) or logs and the match result via Discord. If the match result is reported on toornament the winning team is responsible for providing evidence on admin request. 4.6 A delay of 10 minutes from round start is allowed. If a team does not have all players on the server after 10 minutes their opponents can claim a default win. A status screenshot needs to be sent to the tournament admins to claim a default win with the team claiming the default win having all 6 players on the server. If no team claims default win and the match has not started after 10 minutes the game will be reported as a default loss for both teams. 4.7 If results are not reported when the round is set to end the match will end in a draw. 4.8 Teams are allowed to switch a maximum of 1 player during the course of the game at a maximum of 1 time. 4.9 Teams are not allowed to play with less than 4 players. 4.10 No spectators are allowed on the server with the only exception being the tournament admins. 4.11 A team can request 1 pause per map. The pause may go on for a maximum of 5 minutes.
5. Open groups: 5.1 Teams are awarded 2 points for a win. Teams are awarded 0 points for a loss. Teams are awarded 1 point each for a draw. 5.2 If a team forfeits a match or receives a default loss for any reason the team receives a penalty of -2 points. 5.3 Golden cap is not used in the open group stage. 5.4 Matches are played as BO1.
5.5 Pick/ban system works as follows: - Teams decide which team is Team A and Team B respectively. (If consensus can not be reached the team leaders will heavy fist fight (1v1!)) - Team A ban - Team B ban - Team A ban - Team B ban - Team A ban - Team B ban - The map left is to be played.
6. Invite Round Robin: 6.1 Teams are awarded 2 points for a win. Teams are awarded 0 points for a loss. Teams are awarded 1 point each for a draw. 6.2 If a team forfeits a match or receives a default loss for any reason the team receives a penalty of -2 points. 6.3 Golden cap is used in the round robin system (see 8.5). 6.4 Matches are played as BO2.
6.5 Pick/ban system works as follows: - Teams decide which team is Team A and Team B respectively. (If consensus can not be reached the team leaders will heavy fist fight (1v1!)) - Team A ban - Team B ban - Team B ban - Team A ban - Team A pick - Team B pick - The map left is not played.
7. Tiebreakers 7.1 Round Robin Tiebreakers are the following, if a tie resists to a tiebreaker the next one in the list will be used: - Head-To-Head result - Most wins, then draws, and then losses obtained on all matches - Highest game score (rounds) difference from all matches
7.1.1 In the event that the Game Score Difference is used, any and all scores from KOTH matches will be manually adjusted by admins
7.2 In the event that the above tiebreakers do not provide a clear distinction between two or more teams of which placement is important (qualification and seedings for playoffs), the teams in question are to play a single Golden Mid (first to cap mid wins). Placements not considered important are not to play a tiebreaker round, unless they so choose.
8. Double elimination bracket(s): 8.1 Matches are BO3 (Best of 3) with the exception of the grand finals which is BO5 (Best of 5). 8.2 Seedings throughout the bracket, with the exception of Grand Finals, are determined by placement in group stages.
8.3 Pick/Ban system for BO3 works as follows: The higher seeded team decide if they're team A or B. - Team A eliminates a map - Team B eliminates a map - Team B picks a map - Team A picks a map - Team A ban a map - Team B ban a map - Remaining map is decider.
8.4 Pick/Ban system for BO5 works as follows: The team joining the finals from the Upper Bracket can decide if they want to start or if the other team should. - UB Winner bans. - UB Winner bans. - Team A picks. - Team B picks. - Team A picks. - Team B picks picks. - Remaining map is decider.
8.5 Golden cap is used for all matches in playoffs. Golden cap has a 15 minutes timelimit. If no team has captured the last point from the enemy team by 15 minutes the team holding mid wins the golden cap round. If the timelimit runs out before any team caps mid another Golden Cap is played with timelimit 15, the first team to cap mid in this second Golden Cap wins.
9. Cheats and exploits. 9.1 No cheating of any kind is allowed. 9.2 Use of bugs is not allowed. 9.3 Scripts that allow a player to perform an action in-game that he would not be able to execute without the script, or scripts that purposefully disrupt the player hitbox are banned. Scripts that freeze or glitch the player model (e.g. in mid-air to be less predictable) to make it harder to hit are also banned. 9.4 On cp_gullywash shooting rockets through the shutter on last point is not allowed, however putting stickies in the invisible prop is. 9.5 Any position in where the player can shoot or spot their opponents but their opponents can't do the same are not allowed. Ie sitting in the skybox on product.
10. Admins and Venue Rules: 10.1 Admins are allowed to make changes to the rules and/or make final decisions on situations during the tournament not included in the written rules. 10.2 Any rulebreaks will be punished by the admins. Penalties include but are not limited to verbal warnings as well as defaulting rounds, maps or matches in favour of one team up to disqualification of a player or a team respectively. 10.3 Player1 Events and EssentialsTF reserve the right to enforce any event rules defined in 1.2 including making changes to the rules during the tournament not included in the written rules.
11. Prizes: 11.1 Player1 Events aim to make prize money payments within 1 month of the event finishing. 11.2 To ensure that you can obtain your prize money, make sure that your team has nominated a representative and their details are given to the game admin and tournament manager after the prize ceremony. 11.3 The team representative is responsible for supplying correct payment details so we are able to supply prize payments. 11.4 We will make reasonable attempts to contact winners representatives (via provided contact details) if the team representative fails to supply payment details at the event. 11.5 After 1 month of no contact with the team representative these prizes will be forfeit. 11.6 If you do which to contact us about this, you can email us at esports@player1events.com. 11.7 Player1 Events are not responsible for prize money after it has been allocated and paid to the representative. 11.8 Any prize monies will be distributed in British Pound Sterling (GBP), usually most prize payments will be by direct bank transfer (BACS) 11.9 Each eligible Team will receive the defined split of the prize pool as per the prize information that forms the team's prize monies 11.10 Recipients of any prize monies are responsible for any transaction fees or loss due to currency conversion as well as any taxes they may have to pay in their territories. 11.11 Distribution of in-game medals will be performed within 90 days from when medals are added in TF2 by Valve, or the tournament ending; whichever is later. 11.12 All players must have a valid ETF2L profile URL, RGL.gg profile URL, or steamID64 on their Toornament team profile. Failure to provide this may result in the forfeiture of an in-game medal. 11.13 Forfeiting during the playoffs also forfeits any prize monies you would be eligible for. 11.14 Prize money is dependant on participation and may not equal the total amount displayed on marketing materials or sign-up advertisements.
London (UTC+00:00)
Tournament dates
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