Cross Border eSport Tournament

Cross Border eSport Tournament

By Cross Border eSport
As a general rule, players, coaches and everyone related to the team, are always obliged to follow the general rules, stated by Riot Games in their Terms of Use. These must not, at any time, be violated in any way.
These rules can be viewed through the following link:

§1 General
1.1 Generally the Cross Border eSport Tournament is under the Riot Games Terms of Use rules, which stated as above.
1.2 At least one player is obliged to be available on [voice comm you want to use] at all times, in order for admins to be able to contact the team, in case of emergency situations.
1.3 Check-in will open 30 minutes before the tournament begins. If there aren't any players available 30 minutes before the tournaments begins, the team can be disqualified for lack of presence. This rule does not apply, if the team experience technical issues with [voice comm you want to use], provided that this information is forwarded to a tournament admin.
1.4 In the semi-finals and finals, the teams are obliged to check-in 10 MINUTES before start.

§2 Starting the game
2.1 Following settings must be used, when starting a game:
- Map: Summoner's Rift, (5v5)
- Gamemode: Tournament Draft
- Spectators: Lobby only
2.2 In order to join the game, a tournament code must be issued to the players, coaches and spectators, who are supposed to join the game. The code must ONLY be shared, with people affiliated with the game. If there are any problems with the tournament code, the teams is asked to consult an admin.
2.3 In cases where a team experience technical issues with joining the game, an admin has the right to prolong the time for the start of the game, if the admin decide that the delay is reasonable. Do not, however, attempt to fish for free wins, as this will be punished by disqualification.

§3 Play
3.1 Both teams are obliged to capture a screenshot of the champion select and the endgame scorescreen, as these are used to determine any possible disputes, after the game.
3.2 A team will be declared victors, whenever the enemy's nexus is destroyed, or the other team surrenders.
3.3 Remakes are allowed in placeholders and with technical issues ingame. Remakes are furthermore allowed, in cases where players picked wrong runes/masteries/summoner spells, however ONLY if the enemy team gives their approval of this! The approval is to be screenshotted and reported to an admin. the same rules apply to placeholders. In technical issues the pause function is to be used, and an admin contacted.
3.4 The tournament will be played on the EUW server.
3.5a A match has to be started no later than 15 minutes after schedule. If either team experience any dificulties, that delay the game match further than this, an admin is to be contacted, after which the admin will make a decision about how to proceed.
3.5b If a team, consisting of 5 players as registered on Toornament, aren't present 15 minutes after gametime, this is ground for an insta-defeat, unless anything else is stated by the tournament admins.
3.6 All games are played as a BO3, except for the Grand Final which will be played as a BO5.

§4 Disconnection
4.1 If a player disconnects during champion select, the teams are obliged to pick the same champions and bans up till that point, unless the teams internally agree on making a whole remake of the pick and ban phase.
4.2 If a player disconnect ingame, a game is to be paused, and the player will have to reconnect as soon as possible.
4.3 If there are server problems, either team is obliged to consult an admin.

§5 Pauses
5.1 Each team can only pause a game for 5 minutes, without consulting a tournament admin.
5.2 Before a game is resumed, each team will have to state, that they're prepared to start the game again.
5.3 A maximum of 5 pauses can occur throughout a game. Any more than that, will require an admin approval.

§6 Teams and spectating
6.1 A team consist of 5 players. Substitutes are allowed on a team, as long as these are registered on Toornament as well. The maximum number of substitutes are 5. If there are any problems with adding substitutes when registering, an admin can be consulted, and the admin will see to, that it will be done manually. Furthermore, if a team is unable to put up 5 players for a game, they are obliged to use substitutes, and ONLY the substitutes registered. If the team is unable to put up 5 players for a game, even with substitutes, the team is disqualified.
6.2 There are no restrictions as to nationality of the players.
6.3 A player can only participate on one team in each tournament. A player cannot participate on other teams as sub, as well.
6.4 Spectators are only allowed, if both teams agree on allowing a spectator.
6.5 Tournament admins can spectate any game in the tournament, and cannot be refused access to a game in order to spectate.
6.6 Tournament admins can give access to spectators in a game, and these cannot be refused access either. Examples of adminapproved spectators, could be casters etc.
6.7 Placeholders are allowed, however both teams will have to come to an agreement on this. The agreement will have to be screenshotted and adminapproved.

§7 Cheating
7.1 Following are not allowed ingame:
- Disconnecting from games on purpose
- Playing on an account, that you do not own yourself
- Third-party programs

§8 Admins
8.1 Tournament admins are in possession of final judgment in any given situation.
8.2 Tournament admins are allowed to conduct changes at any given time.

§9 Streaming
9.1 Streaming is allowed for spectators, as long as both teams have given their accept.

§10 Changes
10.1 Changes can be made at any given time.