All players must join the discord.
Sign ups open until 12/3
• All regions welcome – NA servers are default and exceptions must be agreed upon by both teams.
• Captains – Depending on the number of volunteers and respective skill/experience level, additional potential captains may be determined and contacted by admins for balancing purposes.
Captains will pick their teammates via a draft, either snake style or repeated order, with the goal being relative parity (TBD).
⦁ Double elimination
⦁ Upper bracket/Lower bracket: Bo3 throughout
⦁ Grand Final: Bo3, with reset to a 2nd Bo3 if LB team wins first set
⦁ Pick/Ban process for maps based off seed, with the lower seed banning a map first (ban/ban/pick/pick/last map is the tie break).
Low seed ban
High seed ban
Low seed pick
High seed pick
Remaining map is map 3 (tiebreak) if needed
Map Pool:
⦁ Blood Covenant
⦁ Ruins of Sarnath
⦁ Burial Chamber
⦁ Lockbox
⦁ Tempest Shrine