2K Test 5/18

2K Test 5/18

Xbox One, Xbox Series
1 Tournament Format and Rules
1.1 Match Changes
TSUNAMI SPORTS may, at its sole discretion, change the start time of a match. TSUNAMI SPORTS will notify all involved teams at the earliest possible convenience. All matches must begin as soon as they are assigned. Any delay to the start of a match may result in a disqualification. Any match time that is posted is only an estimate, the official match time will be the moment the match is assigned when both players are determined.
1.2 Rule Enforcement
The rules are a guideline and the decisions by admins may differ from them depending on the circumstances. The tournament administration may change these rules at any time without prior notice.
1.3 Game Preparations
Please resolve any problems that might occur before a match starts. Connection or hardware problems during a match will lead to a disqualification by TSUNAMI SPORTS admins. Players should always take and upload screenshots for each match. This is the head to head screen with both players game ID’s showing before the match, the final score, and any disputable situations.
1.4 Failure to Show
If a participant is not ready to play 5 minutes after the scheduled match time, please submit a protest ticket and report them as a no show. Any delays must be immediately brought to a tournament administrator’s attention. If a team fails to show up for a match within the given time, they will be disqualified. If your opponent is not available to play when your match is determined, you must report them as a no show. Failing to report your opponent as a no show when they are not present may cause a delay in the bracket. Any unreported delays to the bracket will result in both players being disqualified to ensure the tournament can complete in a timely manner.
1.5 Disconnects
In the case that a player disconnects before a minute has elapsed on the game clock, or the first point, whichever occurs first, the game will be immediately remade with the same settings and teams and home/away status. If the disconnect happens after this point, the score will be added to the second game, and only the remaining time will be played. Players will be required to work together to reach a “resume” point. Both players will not score until the clock has reached the point of the disconnect, and then the game will be “live” and continue normally. Be sure to take screenshots of both games to prove the score. The score will then be added from both games to reach our final score. If a disconnect happens after the first half, the first and second quarters of the second game will become the new 3rd and 4th quarters to save time. Players should make their best possible effort to restore the second game to an accurate setting of the first game. This should include score, timeouts remaining, and possession of the ball.
For Example:
The score is tied 45-45 with 4:00 remaining on the game clock in the 3rd quarter when the match is disconnected. Players will take a screenshot of the score, and then create a second game. The players will allow the clock to time down to 4:00 without scoring. As soon as the clock reaches 4:00 in the first quarter, the game is now “live” again and will play to the end of the half. Players will take an additional screenshot at half time to prove the score of the second game. Players will not complete this second game, as 4 quarters will have been played by the end of the
half. If the score at the end of the first half, of the second game, is 25-20, the final score would now be 70-65.
1.6 Forfeits
Participants can choose to forfeit a match if they wish. Forfeiting will result in loss of the match.

1.7 Game Lobbies
The team with the higher seed (lower number) will be the hosting team. The hosting team will be responsible for setting up the game lobby with the correct settings and inviting the opposing team. The hosting team will also have the "Home Team" in the match. Remember that the "Home Team" is the team from the right.
Players should always screenshot the head to head screen to provide evidence of both players screen names and team selections and also give a timestamp of when the match began.
2 Match Settings, Format, and Rules
Example: If the 1 is going against the 2, then the 1 hosts the match. All seeding can be found on the bracket.
2.1 Match Details - Online Qualifiers
*Best of 1
*Exhaustion: On
*Difficulty: Pro
*Game Style: Standard
*Time Limit: 5 Minutes per Quarter *Control: All
*Gamespeed: Normal
*Teams: All-Star Teams, All-Time Teams, and History Teams are not allowed. Only Current Teams are allowed. Players may not pick the same team as their opponent. (No mirror matches)
*Higher seed chooses team first. Lower seed chooses team second.
2.2 Pauses
No pauses are allowed outside of available timeouts. If a player uses the pause button, they must also use a timeout. If no timeouts are available, the player will receive a warning. Multiple pauses without a timeout available will result in a match loss. If your opponent is in violation of this rule please open a ticket on TSUNAMI SPORTS Play and include screenshots as proof.
2.3 Results Confirmation
Win or lose you must always confirm the match results after your series is complete. You must do this within 10 minutes of your matches finishing. You should screenshot the head to head screen before the match begins, the final score, and any other disputable situations.
2.4 Number of Players
Only one player is allowed per account. Playing as a ringer or fake account or any attempt of substitution will result in disqualification.