Players in the match

SS Cowtippers

Captain / Contact Nickname: Ricky Spanish
Ricky Spanish
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC:
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC:
Country: Switzerland
Abradolf Lincler
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC:
Country: Switzerland

the Seeds

Captain / Contact Nickname: Melon Seed
Melon Seed
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: 76561198072664699
Country: Switzerland
Pumpkin Seed
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: 76561198130257192
Country: Switzerland
Beetroot Seed
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: 76561198239478004
Country: Switzerland