Players in the match

Lomitas de Oro

Abreviación del nombre del Team: LdO
ID + Tag del Representante del Equipo: n/a
Medio de contacto en Discord (ID + TAG ej melg#123): Betito#1516
Betito #RIO4
No information on this player
Enzuna #RIO4
No information on this player
MariianoD #RIO4
No information on this player
NicoDG12 #0501
No information on this player
Chuleng7 #9612
No information on this player
Corti9701 #8629
No information on this player
BetitoF #5315
No information on this player

The dark rats

Abreviación del nombre del Team: TDR
ID + Tag del Representante del Equipo: MG Vermyns #26898
Medio de contacto en Discord (ID + TAG ej melg#123): Vermyns #2267
No information on this player
No information on this player
No information on this player
No information on this player
soy jiggly#SOMYI
No information on this player
No information on this player