Ocean Oasis
CPN - CouchPotatoesNoobs
Ocean Oasis
CPN - CouchPotatoesNoobs

Players in the match

Ocean Oasis

Clan Tag: #28Q0YCPY2
Representative discord tag: Alvinnnn!!#3635
Second representative discord tag: New Zl #7810
Pays: n/a
Player Tag: #P8Q8PLCU8
Discord tag: Alvinnnn!!#3635
Discord ID: 369436504835227650
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #89CJRPCR
Discord tag: New Zl #7810
Discord ID: 532221268284669953
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #2RCLGCGOC
Discord tag: Krithster #1830
Discord ID: 753218785766408222
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #RJPCJ89L
Discord tag: TØM | SSG #9358
Discord ID: 309771071928926208
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #C08G2CP
Discord tag: Jon_LoW #0512
Discord ID: 625484282726449152
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #92GLQCG29
Discord tag: Chaumette Roger #2886
Discord ID: 742666773412708413
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #9qucglp
Discord tag: Deon#0800
Discord ID: 448132658808225794
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a

CPN - CouchPotatoesNoobs

Clan Tag: #29JC288UY
Representative discord tag: Herrscher Max | CPN #4693
Second representative discord tag: wildwing | INQUISITION #2571
Pays: n/a
Player Tag: #L8CJJP00
Discord tag: Herrscher Max | CPN #4693
Discord ID: 625768330560798730
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #VJ9CQ0U9
Discord tag: Noob〰Koala / Monkey #8879
Discord ID: 513384413334077453
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #J9VJQP90
Discord tag: Empire53/Noobs_iMTV YT/CPN #6943
Discord ID: 549680399928786949
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Lance Butters
Player Tag: #CRRYLUUL
Discord tag: Lance Butters | Marc #5769
Discord ID: 488280549790580737
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #8GR08QLPL
Discord tag: NeVeR×Random #8648
Discord ID: 555833477711527946
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #L8RCRC2G
Discord tag: Noob〰Röhrle #8108
Discord ID: 573894061702774805
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #2P2PVQRV2
Discord tag: Empire53/Noobs_iMTV YT/CPN #6943
Discord ID: 549680399928786949
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
em`Kay ツ
Player Tag: #RC8PG2LG
Discord tag: wildwing | INQUISITION #2571
Discord ID: 589207749917933598
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #2G80G2VLR
Discord tag: Noobs/MEGATRON/Max #1655
Discord ID: 468007172698013696
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a