1000€ NerdTown eSport Series 1

Nerd Town eSport Series Qualifier 1 powered by LIWEST

By Nerd Town eSport
Open for EU!

1. Anti-Cheat
No additional anti-cheat is required for official matches.

2. Series Lengths
Matches are played as a Best of 3 series. Top 4 teams in each Qualifier will move on to the Finals.
2.2 Game Settings
The home team will host the lobby and invite the away team.

Lobby: Custom (closed)
Mode: Standard
Allow Cheats: Off
Tournament Mode: On
Overtime Win by Two: On
The away team will choose which team starts of as attack and defense
In the event that an incorrect rule set is loaded on the server, the match should be stopped and reset. Previously played rounds with incorrect format will not count towards the match outcome.

2.3 Map Selection
1. Map
The home team bans a map
The away team bans a map
The home team chooses a map to play from the remaining list

2. Map will choose the away team.
3. Map the home team

A map can only be played once!

3. Restrictions
Any Agents, Weapons, Sprays, Weapon Skins, Weapon Buddies, and Maps currently disabled in other game modes are prohibited from use in official matches

3.1 Bug using
If any bugs are used, the team using the bug will lose the map 0-13.

4. Stoppage of Play
The game may only be paused for the following reasons:

Player drop

Player disconnect

Technical issues

Stoppage of play may be requested at any time for the above reasons. The team initiating a pause must first call the pause in chat. A pause may not be called during combat, or once the Spike has been planted. Player's may not move around the map when a pause is in effect. Once both teams are ready, the team who paused the match will unpause it. Each team will have 5 total minutes of pause time per map. Players pause the game by pressing the ESC key and selecting "cheats" Abuse of the pause feature may result in punishment for the team abusing it.

4. Player Count
Both teams participating in a match must provide 5 players at the beginning of each game. During a game, if a team should lose 2 players that have disconnected from the match at the same time, that team will forfeit the remainder of the game to the opposing team. If a team is not able to field the required amount of players for additional games in the series, then they will forfeit the remainder of the match.

4.1 Substitute
Every team is allowed to use 1 substitute without contacting any Support or Admin.