TGC-5v5 S&D: Tournament #5

[EU] 5v5 S&D presented by The Gentlemen's Club

PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One
By The Gentlemen's Club
Online, GER Europe
JOIN DISCORD and dont forget to ᐅCHECK INᐊ !

How to get accepted for the Tournament:
1. Join the Discord.
2. Go to #tournament-registration.
3. Type "Team(yourteamname) will be showing up!"

ᐅOne person of a Squad has to be in the voice channels during the organization phase and between the matches.ᐊ

§1 Behaviour: Politeness and respect is what we expect from everyone.

§2 Tournament Setup: Double Elimination BO1

§3 Match setup: Teamleaders will set up the matches themselves. Start Games only when the Organizer gives the call.

§4 Match mode: S&D 5v5

§5 Match settings:
- CDL-Rules (plus: No Thermal scope, No blueprint skins, Standard Operator Skins)
- Winning Score is 6
- Host is the team that stands on top in tournament tree.
- Best of 1
- Host plays as "Coalition"

§6 Maps Rotation: (Maps that are not in the CDL playlist)
WB1________Hovec Sawmill
WB2/LB1___Euphrates Bridge
WB3/LB2___Atlas Superstore
WB4/LB3___Khandor Hideout
WB5/LB4___Aniyah Incusion
WB8/LB7___Talsik Backlot

§7 Match results: post the final score into the textchannel #scores in the following format: WB/LB - Team “XY” 2:6 Team “YZ”