Tournament 5 vs 5 Snipers Only

Playstation 4
By S_A_S_Magic32117
* Maps will be assigned automatically for each game.
* In the preliminary round, the winner will be the best of 3 maps.
* In the final, the winner will be the best of 5 maps.
* The teams will register a maximum of 10 players per team.
* The matches will be played with a maximum of 5 players per team.
* The minimum number of players to play a match is 4 players.
* Glitching or cheating is not allowed.
* Disrespect, discrimination or offensive phrases towards other players are not allowed. Any of these actions will be taken as a disciplinary offense and the team on which the offender plays will be automatically eliminated.

* Only can be used: Sniper M24 & Smoke. The sniper M24, can be used in both ways, aiming or without aiming.
* Takedowns are allowed.
Note: The use of other weapons, flashes, grenades, and RPG's are not allowed.
* If a player kills an opponent or affects his life with a weapon or with some prohibited grenades, the offending team will lose the round automatically.
Important: Each team must carefully organize the weapon to be used, to avoid mistakes. If a team by mistake selects and misuses its weapons or uses a flash, grenade or any weapon that is not allowed, even if it does not kill an opponent, the team will automatically lose the current round. If a team incurs this foul 3 times or in 3 round, the team that committed the offense will automatically lose the map.

* Only the following maps will be played: Spring Street, Checkout, Uptown, Intercept and Hospital.

Be On Time
* Both teams have a grace period of 15 minutes after the match start time to show up before the late team will forfeit the game.
* Each team has a maximum of 5 minutes in-between maps played. If players have issues joining the lobby, the lobby is to be re-hosted immediately. The connecting team should communicate their connection issue as soon as possible.

* The host of the game is not allowed to be made by players outside the regions of Canada, the United States and Mexico.
* All hosts must be made by players who are in the regions of Canada, the United States or Mexico.
* Higher seeded team will host the first game;
* Lower seeded team will host the second game.
* If a third match is to be played, the team that won the first game will host the third game.
* The host team can try to host from all the connections of their teammates, as long as the player who makes the host is within the United States, Canada or Mexico, but if neither is successful, the host must switch to the other team.

* To start a match, the host must have at least Yellow ping.
* If the match quality is unacceptable due to lag ONLY in the first round, the team that isn't hosting having issue can leave the match and ask for re-host. The new host should be a team member from the original hosting team.
* Under extreme scenarios if a hosting team does not want to re-host with a new host, a dispute can be filed with screenshot proof. However this should be LAST RESORT.

* Total Rounds: 11
* Friendly Fire: Full
* Max Revives: 0
* Use Roles: Off
* Allow Aim Assist: On

* Substitutions are only permitted before the match starts and in between map swaps.

* All disputes will be handled within the Playstation platform.
* All disputes must have evident proof to win the dispute.
* It is necessary that all teams save the videos of their games, as well as the screen shots so that they can file any claim based and it can be verified.

Match Results
* Both team should provide screenshots of match results when submitting their scores. If scores do not match up, the match will end up in a dispute.