CORONA CUP by Serenity Gaming

CORONA CUP by Serenity Gaming

By Daax
Online, NA Online
| Tournament Format |
- Double Elimination Bracket
- All Matches are best of 3
- Winner Reports match Results
- Stages are chosen by players (see 'Picking Stages' section below)

| Tournament Rules |
- Use the Serenity Gaming Discord to communicate with your opponent
- No Items
- All Characters Allowed
- Stage hazards off
- Pause is disabled
- Spirits off
- FS Meter off (TBD)
- 3 stock
- 7 minute matches
-- If time runs out, the winner is determined by remaining stock, and then by ending damage percentage.
-- If both stock and percentage are identical, or a game ends with both players being KO'd simultaneously, then a tiebreaker is played.
--A tiebreaker is a 1 stock, 3 minute match with the same characters and the same stage.

| Picking Stages |
All stages are allowed (Stage Hazards off)
Players must do a coin flip to determine who picks 1st map.
Player that lose coin flip chooses the 2nd map.
Dream Land is the default 3rd map for any games that go to a 3rd round.

| Points System |
We will be implementing a points system, top 10 spots will earn points.
Play in more Serenity Smash tournaments to earn more points and work your way to the top of the Serenity SMASH Leader Board!

If you have questions or are confused with any of this please message @h4rvey on Discord.