ELSA Season 1 Qualifier 2

ELSA Season 1 Qualifier 2 - Powered by MSI

By Esports League South Africa
Online, South Africa
Entry and 1st Div teams only

Rules and Regulations
Discord, as well as E-mail, will be the official communication system adopted by ELSA.
If there are any disputes or queries, a ticket system is in place that can be used to raise/address such disputes or queries. In order to use the ticket system, go to “Create ticket” at the bottom type ? new. It will then create a new ticket. You will then be able to communicate with an admin regarding your concern.
Discussion-Dota is for information only. All other content will be deleted.
There will be a Discord channel that the Admins/Casters will post scores for all to see.
Team Captains needs to be on Discord. Furthermore, Captains need to disclose, during registration, what their Discord name is. The Captain’s name is to remain unchanged until the completion of the tournament.
Schedule Changes:
Game dates are subject to change, should the situation, as well as the time table, allow for it. A team which experiences a problem regarding the scheduling of a game, will be required to provide a valid reason for the game in question to be rescheduled. Furthermore, it is paramount that the Captain contacts an ELSA admin at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled game.
1. Tournament format
2.1 Groups play
● Bo1 (Best of 1) will be played during the group play. Except for the Group Final that will be Bo3
2.2 Playoffs
● Upper bracket will be played in the format Bo3.
● First round of Lower bracket will be played in the format Bo1. The rest will be Bo3
● The finals will be played in the format Bo5. (None of the teams will have any
advantages entering the finals - both teams are equal.)
● The playoffs will be played in Double Elimination format.
2. Before the game
* The team must be ready to play at least 10 minutes before the match starts. Exceptions may occur if the opposing team is still in an ongoing match. If so, the match must be started as soon as the given team is ready.
2.1. Sides and First pick
* The teams must decide among themselves which team is to pick a side. The team that does not pick a side can choose which team begins the picking phase or whether to use random selection. This will be done with Auto Coin toss inside Dota
* During the second round of a Bo3, it will be the opposite of what was decided in round one. In the third round of a Bo3, it will be an auto coin toss again
3. Match Rules: Here are the Lobby Rules: Lobby Password: ELSA will provide Game Name: ELSA will provide Enable Cheats: OFF Bot Difficulty: No BOTS
Version: Tournament Series Type: Bo3 unless otherwise stated by ELSA Game Mode: Captains Mode Starting Team: Auto Coin toss Penalty-Radiant: None Penalty-Dire: None Server Location: South Africa only Spectators: Enable Dota TV Delay: 2 minutes
4. During the match:
* If a team needs to pause the game, the opposing team shall be notified before the pause is initiated. (Exception: If a player is disconnected, no notification is required). A team can only pause the match for a total of 10 minutes. If a team needs to pause the game for more than 10 minutes, an Admin must be contacted immediately.
* Spam and bad manners are not tolerated in the chat.
* Once a team has signed up for the tournament, changing nicknames and clan tags is strictly forbidden. If this rule is broken, any penalty from 9. Penalties may be used.
* If a team is to forfeit the match, GG or similar expression must be used before the team then disconnects from the server
5. After the match
* After the match has ended the Caster/Admin of the match will report the results on Discord via a screenshot
6. Disconnect/connection issues:
* All games are to be played on South African servers by default unless stated otherwise.
* Teams with mutual agreement to play on a different server are allowed to do so.
* In case of any disconnects, both teams will need to pause the game until the player has reconnected.
* Pauses need to be justified immediately to the other team. Disruptive pauses will be flagged and closely monitored.
7. Game Admin:
* In case of any dispute regarding any issue, the final decision will be made by the admin.
* Game Admin has the power to refute any rule depending on the situation at hand.
* Teams will be permitted a maximum of 15 minutes grace with regards to the starting of games.
* Coin toss will be conducted in lobby before each game to determine Pick and Side priority.
* Any administrative issue during matches will be handled by the respective ELSA caster(s). Caster(s) decisions will be final.
8. Victory Conditions
A game is finished when:
A) An Ancient Fortress is destroyed.
B) A team forfeits.
C) The majority of a team leaves on purpose.
D) An admin decides the match is over.
E) When Good Game (GG) is called.
9. Penalties
9.1. Different penalties that may be used during the tournament:
* Penalties handled in-game
o Penalty level 1: Not ready for the match start according to the schedule. (This will be based on in game reserve times)
o Penalty level 2: 5 minutes over time. (This will be based on in game reserve times)
o Penalty level 3: 10 minutes over time. (This will be based on in game reserve times)
o Penalty Level 4: 15 minutes over time. Forfeit of the first match.
o Penalty Level 5: 25 Minutes Over time Forfeit of series against the opponent
■ Exceptions may occur if a team is in a previous match, or if an Admin is contacted and have approved the matter.
■ Admins must be contacted if a team is not ready at the given time according to schedule and will deliver penalties hereinafter.
* Penalties handled outside the game:
o Disqualified teams
o Disqualified player
Please note that an Admin can change the penalties and the penalty levels without given notice. The teams are responsible for keeping themselves updated on the tournament rules, and we encourage every team to check for changes as often as they can.
10. Fair Play Rule
The players are expected to play by their full capacity at all times. Losing on purpose won’t be tolerated and will result in a disqualification. This is up to the Head Admin to decide. This is a professional tournament and all players are expected to act like such.
Load Shedding Regulations
While the power utilities issues is out of our control, we understand that it is often hard to for teams to find solutions to the issue. We have put together the following regulations in an effort to assist teams, while still keeping teams accountable for their booking process and to ensure teams use their reserves when needed. We’ve put together a guide so teams can better manage the process, as well as regulations for the unfortunate situation where a match cannot continue, through no fault on the team’s behalf.
* Guide:
o 1) Work closely with your ELSA Admins to determine a working schedule. In a case where all your subs are also not available
o 2) Make sure your reserves are online and waiting before and during your match. We recommended that each team house 3 reserves. If a player is load shed, replace the player with a reserve.
o 3) Scheduled Matches will only be moved on a worst-case scenario if there is to many people affected on both teams.
* Regulations:
o If a match cannot continue due to load shedding, the admins will schedule the match to be played the following night. Or over the weekend but this game will possibly not be casted or streamed
* Note that the admins will investigate the team who is requesting a postponement, to ensure that they followed the guidelines correctly. If a team did not follow the guidelines, the team’s application for postponement will not be granted, as that team will be considered responsible.
o Teams with only one or less reserves will not be granted any postponements.
* Teams with only one or no reserves did not plan accordingly before entering the event.
o Teams with reserves, but do not make use of their reserves due to the reserves lack of availability will not be granted a postponement.
* Teams must ensure that their reserves are available.
o When applying for a postponement, teams must provide the load shedding schedule for the effected players for validation. This includes for each of your reserves.
o ELSA will not postpone the postponement due to load shedding. We can only be accommodating for a short period of time. The event must go on.