New Blood Invitational

New Blood Invitational

----General Tournament Ruleset for Competitors----

1. All players will play on the most current version of the game
2. No Cheating, no macros, game exploits, unapproved 3rd party clients/mods, lag switches, other input delay altering methods, and any other form of obtaining an unfair advantage.
3. Proof is required when accusing another player of breaking any rule.
4. Players must have Discord Overlay enabled and set to the appropriate text channel.
5. Players must be on time for the tournament and Check In.
6. Players must join the match lobby within 2 minutes of being told to by the Referee
7. If a Player never joins and missed their set they are automatically Disqualified from the tournament.
8. One entry per person in a tournament
9. Players must be familiar with the full ruleset (found below)

----Specific In-Match Ruleset for Competitors----

1. Follow Referee instructions on Pick/Bans. For information on the pick/ban process please reference the OHCS Tournament Format and Set Guidelines link posted below.

2. Referees report scores. If you disagree with a reported score file this in the #dispute channel. Picture evidence required.

3. In the occurrence of a DeSync, take a screenshot, stop playing, and alert your Referee immediately.

OHCS Tournament Format and Set Guidelines:
OHCS Longform Rules: