CG MLBB Mini Tournament

CG MLBB Mini Tournament

By CG Esport Events
Online, Online tournament
Mobile Legends Tournament Rules


Team Captains are responsible for reading tournament rules and procedures.
Team Captains are responsible to gather their own members prior the start of the match.
Team Captains must fill out the registration form with squad name and details. Please make sure all information is correct, or you will be responsible for the consequences.
A squad has 6 members total, including the captain. Squads taking part in the tournament can be actual squads in-game or not.
No squad shall have any other players aside from the 6 registered players in any match during the tournament, or else they will be automatically disqualified.
Squad Captains, please make sure you have enough space on your friends list before matches so that you can friend the opposing squad's captain to coordinate the match.
Team Captains are responsible to finalize all details regarding their team and player's information before submitting their registration. Any changes after the registration has been sent is not accepted.


DISCORD shall be used as the official communication for this Tournament.
Use a username same as your Mobile Legends SQUAD so as to make it easier for opposing captains to find one another.

Team Captains are encouraged to join the Discord channel to find their opponents easier and for immediate access to the tournament Administrators.

Team Captains must instruct their teammates (including team captains) to add their assigned enemy team at least 2 hours before the scheduled match.
Any flag is fine as long as the player is from Philippines.

All members must only use their own game account to take part in matches.
The Mobile Legends: Tournament matches will be played with a best-of-one mode Double Elimination and best-of-three mode on FINALS.
All matches will be CUSTOM DRAFT PICK MODE.
NO Pause allowed, Check Ping is allowed One at a time only. Connection is not controlled by CG Esport Events.

The team captain of the WINNING SIDE is responsible for sending a screenshot after the match.

RESULT Screenshot - a visual proof of who won and lost
Screenshots are to be submitted as soon as the match ends at the official Discord Channel. Failing to submit the result of the match within 10 minutes of the match ending may result to a loss for both teams.

Any disputes regarding the matches should be forwarded and addressed to the Administrators within 10 minutes of the matches finishing. Use the Discord Channel and provide proof of claim to facilitate faster processing of disputes.

Any disputes after the 10 minute mark will be subject to the decision of the Administrator whether to pursue or not. As always, the Administrators holds the final say regarding tournament details.

A match can only start with a full party of five (5) players on each team.
A team that is missing one player will be given a 10 minute grace time, if the respective team is still not complete, that team will be disqualified and forfeit the match.

If the opposing team does not show up during the scheduled match, Team Captain should contact the tournament Administrators via Discord and a proof has to be shown in the form of a screenshot and a TIMESTAMP.

Every player is expected to treat one another with respect; therefore players proven of misconduct will receive consequences upon review of the action.

Cheating doesn't need to be successful to qualify as a violation. Conspiring to cheat is already a violation and will lead to an AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION for all conspirators. Examples of cheating include, but aren't limited to:

Account Sharing


CG Esport Events and its staff are the only entities allowed to spectate a match.

CG Esport Events holds the rights to change rules as it deems fit.

Moonton is not affiliated with, does not endorse, nor is it responsible for, the content of this tournament, site or other materials related to this event.