Realm League PC Duo Tournament

By RealmRLeague

- By signing up for The Realm League you acknowledge and confirm that you are available for the specified dates and times.
-When signing up you must have between 4-6 players
- All classes must be played (No double classing)
- Captains must have their Steam, PSN, or Xbox profile linked to our stats bot found under #stats
-Your ingame name and discord name must match the name you sign up with
Before an Event:

-Captains must have their profile linked to our stat bot located in #stats
- All four players must be ready to play 15 minutes before an event starts and in the discord. Captains will go into the Captains Call Voice channel while the remainder of the team goes into their designated Squad Voice Channel
- All substitutions must be made before the roll call 15 minutes prior to an event and also reported to an admin.

During the event:

- You must stay in our discord
- Captains in the call will be informed when to queue by an admin.
- Teams who do not get into the same lobby with at least 3 other teams will be DQ’d for that round only. We understand that sometimes its beyond your control, but in order to keep it fair to everyone your score will not count.
- Once you are in a game captains must type !m in the #captain-report
-Once your game is over you must type !m again in #captain-report
-If you do not type !m before and after your games you will not get any points regardless
-Any streamers must have a 2 minute delay