Quake FarEast Tourney

FarEast Tourney #1 in 2019

By QuakeDV.ru
Online, International
Check-in 16:00 at discord group.

Servers: Korea/Seoul

- Bloodrun
- Ruins of Sarnath
- Corrupted Keep
- Blood Covenant
- Awoken
- Vale of Pnath
- Molten Falls

All matches will be played in a Best of 3 system, apart from the Grand Final which will be Best of 5.
Use the command "!roll 1" in discord to determine who "Lower seed" and "Higher seed"

Map & Champion Picks
* Lower seed bans the first Champion from the match
- (Neither team can choose this Champion for all maps)
* Higher seed bans the second Champion from the match
- (Neither team can choose this Champion for all maps)
* Higher seed removes a first map.
* Lower seed removes a second map.
* Higher seed chooses the first map to be played in the set.
* Lower seed chooses the second map to be played in the set.
* Higher seed removes a map from the remaining three maps.
* Lower seed removes a map from the remaining two maps.
* Final map left in the pool is the third map in the set.

* Lower seed bans the first Champion from the match
- (Neither team can choose this Champion for all maps)
* Higher seed bans the second Champion from the match
- (Neither team can choose this Champion for all maps)
* Higher seed chooses the first map to be played in the set.
* Lower seed chooses the second map to be played in the set.
* Higher seed chooses the third map to be played in the set.
* Lower seed chooses the fourth map to be played in the set.
* Higher seed removes a map from the remaining three maps.
* Lower seed removes a map from the remaining two maps.
* Final map left in the pool is the fifth map in the set.