1v1 32 player Tournament EU ONLY NO PRIZE!

By CheesyBitez
1. No craftable items to fight with(armor/axe upgrades/shoe upgrades/traps/cloak upgrades/smoke bombs)
2. Arrows are not located in rule 1 as u are allowed to use arrows, but only the 5 default ones, no crafting arrows mid-fight, having more than 5 arrows at
the start of the match is against the rules.
3. Non-regular arrows are not allowed in this game mode, only regular arrows allowed.
4. You are ALLOWED to pick up arrows as long as they are on the ground and shot from your current fight!
5. After official start of the lobby(the time u were given), you have 10 minutes to arrive in the lobby,
if you are not there after those 10 minutes you are disqualified.
6. Matches will start with as many players as the tournament owner decides, it can be either 2,4,6,8 or even 10.
6.1. if there are more than 2 players in the match, all other players in the match will watch the current fight, will not interrupt, will not do anything to distract the show director, damage each other or do anything from any of the rules listed here.
7. You are allowed to craft a fire, even mid-fight, but we do not take responsibility for any damage done to you while you craft it.