HyperGaming Amateur League

HyperGaming Amateur League

By Ganto Gaming

These rules are the official rules of SEUL (Finnish esports association) for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The rules will be used in all tournaments certified by SEUL, and they are maintained by a separate game rule working committee. Every participant must read and understand the following rules and behave in a sportsmanlike manner, including player avatar and screen names. Unsportsmanlike behavior will be sanctioned. Game admins have the final decision in all conflicts and sanctions. Tournament admins reserve all rights for changes related to these documents. Game admins can pause the tournament because of a serious technical problem or other reason as seen fit, e.g. medical emergency.

These rules apply mainly to offline tournaments which are held in a local tournament event. The rules can be slightly changed for online tournaments. The tournament organizer is required to announce the schedule, tournament format and the prizes before the tournament.

All cheating, including ghosting, is forbidden. If a participant is not sure whether a certain game mechanic is allowed, they MUST ask the head admin prior to the tournament’s start to find out whether it is allowed or not.

Breaking any of the rules will result in sanctions, including but not limited to:

Losing a single game
Losing a game series
Deduction from the prize
Removal of a player or a team from the tournament
Removal of a player or a team from the event
A decision made by a single admin can be challenged by bringing it up with the head admin. This complaint can only be made right after the decision has been called or the game has ended, whichever occurred first. The head admin’s decision is final and cannot be challenged.

1. General rules

1.1: Game: Counter Strike: Global Offensive, latest version
1.2: Team size: 5 actual players and possibly 2 reserve players.
1.3: A team may change at maximum 2 of its actual players.
1.4: One player can only be in one team during the tournament.
1.5: VoIP software is allowed. Tournament organizers may provide Mumble and Teamspeak servers.
1.6: Any software that modifies game files or grants an unfair advantage in the game is strictly forbidden and is grounds for immediate removal from the tournament.
1.7: Players must provide their own gaming paraphernalia (keyboard, mouse, mousepad, headset and in-ear headphones)
1.8: Players must have a valid CS:GO licence on their personal Steam account for tournament play unless stated otherwise.
1.9: Screen names and pictures
1.9.1: Players must use their official screen name throughout the tournament.
1.9.2: Sponsors related to other than alcohol, tobacco, gambling or adult entertainment at the end of the name are allowed.
1.9.3: Players must use a stream-friendly Steam profile picture, preferably a team logo or self portrait.
1.10: A player who has a less than 2 years old CS:GO VAC ban on his tournament account record may not enter or play in the tournament.
1.11: A coach may watch the match behind the players, but they may not communicate with the players in any way except during half-time and timeouts and when issuing a timeout call to a player.
1.12: During a game, team members are only allowed to communicate with persons involved with the game: team players, team coach, and tournament officials such as admins.
1.13: Timekeeping
1.13:1: Team captains must be in place 30 minutes before actual match start for the map veto and/or receiving information. (Valid on offline-tournaments only)
1.13.2: If a team is not seated and ready when their game is scheduled to start, the team will automatically forfeit their game (group stage) or concede the first map (Bo3) unless admin states otherwise. During the semi-finals and finals there will be a following 15 minute time left for the team to be ready or they will forfeit the whole match.
1.13.3.: If a team is missing players at scheduled starting time, they WILL have to start the match without their full team, or forfeit. It is up to the teams to make sure they are ready on time.
1.13.4: Tournament officials reserve the right to change these timings if circumstances require it.
1.14: Under extreme circumstances administrators reserve the right to change the rules.

3. Other rules

3.1: Scripts (excluding buy, toggle, demo script) are forbidden. If you’re not sure if a script is permitted to use, contact admins before playing matches. Jumpthrow script is forbidden.
3.2: External programs which affect the game state or perform in-game actions are not allowed.
3.3: Disconnecting intentionally during a match isn’t allowed.
3.4: Planting the bomb so that it cannot be defused is not allowed.
3.5: Planting the bomb with a boost is not allowed.
3.6: Bomb defusal through an obstacle without a line of sight (wall, ceiling) is not allowed.
3.7: Using bugs which change the game principles, i.e. spawn bugs, is not allowed.
3.8: Boosting is allowed except when the textures, walls, ceilings or floors become transparent or penetrable.
3.9: Specific rules for exceptional exploit usage
3.9.1: Currently there is known exploit in map de_overpass, which disallows T side to throw grenades to B site. All teams caught using this decoy bug will be deducted three rounds for every time it was performed. More details of the exploit at http://www.hltv.org/n/15480

5. Maps

5.1: Map pool:
de_dust 2
5.2: Map picks
5.2.1: Map selection starter is either the loser of a coin flip or it is the away team (Team B), which has the higher (worse) seed. Typically Team B is on the right hand side of the match page, or lower team in the match-up at bracket view.
5.2.2: Best of one (1):
B removes one of seven maps.
A removes one of six maps
B removes one of five maps
A removes one of four maps
B removes one of three maps
A removes one of two maps
The remaining map will be played and B will decide the starting sides
5.2.3: Best of three (3):
B removes one of seven maps
A removes one of six maps
B chooses the 1st map to be played
A chooses the 2nd map to be played
B removes one of three maps
A removes one of two maps
The remaining map will be played as the 3rd map.
The map chosen by B will be played first, starting sides will be decided by A
The map chosen by A will be played second, starting sides will be decided by B
The final map is played 3rd, starting sides will be determined by the winner of a knife round.

6. Protests & sanctions

6.1: All protests are to be made within 10 minutes after the match has finished. No pauses can occur in-game for this matter. All cases are handled by admins after the match.
6.2: When the match result is protested, affected teams can not continue playing matches until the conflict is resolved.
6.3: Sanctions
6.3.1: Warning, round loss, map loss, match loss, disqualification of player or team, ban of player or team.
6.3.2: Round loss is deducted from the final map score.
6.3.3: Tournament officials will use the sanctions available as they see fit.
6.4: In online games, protesting team can request a maximum of three demos from the opposing team. A tournament admin should be notified after such a request is made.
6.4.1: The demos are to be delivered to the protesting team’s captain within 15 minutes from the request. Failure to provide the demos within the timeframe is sanctioned.
6.4.2: The protesting team has 20 minutes to review the demos and report the specific rounds and situations where they believe the wrongdoing occurred at. Report should contain at least one and at most five different situations. Failure to provide the needed information to the tournament admins within the timeframe cancels the protest.

7. Fair play

7.1: This tournament relies on fair play rules. Insulting others, racism and mocking religion is totally forbidden and will be punished by organizers. Trash talking is also forbidden and will result in a warning.
7.2: Tournament participants should always address the administrators in a polite and respectful way.
7.3: Should a participant purposely atte