HelmiLAN kevät '18 - BR

HelmiLAN kevät '18 - Battlerite 2vs2

By Helmilani ry
Perho Liiketalousopisto Malmi
Match Settings

Match Type: Private

Map: Decided by the players -- http://mapban.prorl.com is a great tool to speed up the process of map bans!

Win Score: 5 (Best of 9 rounds)

Round Time: 2 Minutes

Team Size: 2v2

Server: EU North (Note: You will have to set the server in your options. Located in Options -> Regions, check only EU North.)

All games before Grand Finals will be first to 5 round wins on 1 map. Semi Finals will be first to 5 round wins, best of 3 maps. Grand Finals will also be first to 5 round wins, best of 3 maps.


1. You are free to change your team composition throughout a best of 3 series. You are not limited to one composition per series.

2. Substitutes: You are not allowed to use a substitute that is not on your team roster.

3. No spectators are allowed (for streamed games, only PRL approved spectators are allowed).