The 2017 Modular Assault Vehicle Cup

By Begginfokillz
-Each MAV is to have no building limits, but must not have more than 4 of any same weapon.
-you MUSAT use the same mav for the full event
-Special promotional weapons cannot be used.
-any players assigned to a bracket must agree mutually on a map for their duel before it occurs.
-internet issues are possible so if anyone has an issue, they MUST inform their opponent before the battle, and must ensure the battle can be redone fairly. If you disconnect due to this twice, you both must agree if a rematch is permitted, else the person who did not dc will be considered victorious.
-be a gentleman, not a dick
-any mav registered is to be used the whole event. You cannot change to a different mav during the event, but you can swap only two weapon types throughout the event. Reverting your loadout to the one registered at the beginning will not count as a swap. All edits to your MAV must be reported to the event organizer.**

Organizer/Staff rules:
-The head of the event is begginfokillz. He will have final say in any disputes. He cannot qualify for any awards or prizes, and any battles with him are considered an automatic win in favor of the other player who participates as non staff.
-Any participants who are also event staff cannot win, but can participate against one another for fun. Any battles with staff are automatic wins for the non staff participants. Event Staff CANNOT obtain any prize or any position in the event.
-Event staff CAN disqualify any participant for rule breaches. Any appeals will be sent to the event head. If your appeal works, you will be put back in your slot. If you are kicked out, a random substitute from the community may be invited to take your place. The substitute will be given a consolation prize if he wins, rather than a full prize, due to lack of full participation

**An example of the this clause is as follows: you have a few rockets and a few cannons, but wish to swap cannons to flamers. As long as they fit as the cannons did, and it does not change the layout of the MAV to a degree that can be considered a different mav, it is permitted. after this, you want to swap again. you can do so, but it will qualify as your second swap. Swapping back to the exact layout you registered with is valid after that, but not any other type.