League Community Cup Season 2

By Oasis Gaming
Regular Season -
Each match will consist of two games.
One Red side game and One Blue side game.
These games are weighted equally and will both have effect.
Both games of a match must be played on the same day.
Playoffs will be seeded based on Win/Loss record with Tiebreaker games being played after the final week if needed.

Playoffs -
The Quarter Finals and Semi-Finals will be a Best of 3 Series.
The Grand Finals will be a Best of 5 Series.
The Higher seed going into the Playoff Match will have side selection on Map 1 of the series.
The losing team in the middle of a series will have side selection for the next game.
All games of a series must be played on the same day.

Substitutes -
Your captain may submit a substitute request in the private channel #sub-request. Substitutes must be voted on by Team Captains with at least 4 votes for. That Substitute player will then be permanently added to the roster for that Team.
Teams may have as many Sub's as they want, as long as all are confirmed through the voting process.

Role Swaps -
Teams will arrange players in order of intended play position in the game lobby prior to draft. The first wave of the game must be completed in your declared lane. In the case of an infraction on this rule a tournament admin will join a team's channel and request a pause and set a ruling.

Offenses are scoped to the match, not the season.

First Offense
Remake and must play draft as declared, offending team will lose their first ban in next game.

Second Offense

How to Play and Report Matches -
Both teams should be online 15 minutes before their scheduled match time.
Captains MUST be available 15 minutes before their scheduled match times to receive draft and tournament codes. This also allows for any last minute discussion and corrections as necessary.
Completing matches in a fun and fair manner takes priority over any broadcast issues.

Completing a match should follow this procedure:
* All players should be in the tournament code lobby at the scheduled match time or are actively attempting to join.
* Team captains will send the tournament code for a match to their team's discord channel.
* Everyone joins using the tournament code. Click Play > Click the trophy in the top right corner > Paste the tournament code > Click Join.
* The team on top of the scheduled match page will play blue Side first. i.e. this page indicates that GoB would be blue side first.
* Arrange your summoners in their intended position for the game. i.e. Top, Jungle, Mid, Carry, Support
* Type "Ready for Draft" in the chat when all players on your team are in their intended position and your captain has the draft tool opened and is prepared to draft.
* When both teams have indicated "Ready for Draft" blue team captain may start the draft. (Be careful during the draft to lock in your picks before the timer reaches 0, there is no buffer time to lock in as there is in the league client.)
* Missed picks and bans are binding except in the case of technical issues.
* Hovered picks are locked in at the end of your selection time. Hover a pick to ensure your selection is not randomized.
* Following a successful draft, both teams must indicate "Ready to Play" in the chat. The Lobby owner may start the game when both teams are ready to play. The gap between finishing draft and starting the game should be no longer than three minutes.
* There is an allowed five minutes between games of a match before starting draft.
* All players should immediately join the next tournament code lobby following the end of a game.
* Following a match, both captains should download and post the replays for the match to the #score-reporting channel.

Late Penalties
* 15 minutes late to joining the lobby - Lose one ban
* 20 minutes late to joining the lobby - Lose two bans
* 25 minutes late to joining the lobby - Lose three bans
* 30 minutes late to joining the lobby - game forfeit
* Exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances to be discussed at game