PL - HoN Tournament (FoC) #2

Paradise League - HoN Community Tournament (FoC) #2

By Paradise League
● Lobbies

Players will have to create their own lobbies when playing the following rounds: Qualifiers, WB Quarter Finals & LB Round 1/2/3/4

- The lobbies and games must follow the rules and regulations of the tournament.
- The players must report the results to the host once done.

● General

♦ Map: Forests of Caldavar
♦ Spectators: Not Allowed
♦ Game Mode: Captains Pick
♦ Game Options: Tournament Rules
♦ Game Mods are Forbidden

- Captains Pick: First, each Captain bans 3 heroes, alternating between teams. Then, Captains will pick as follow [1-2-2] (total of 5 hero picks, 3 for the team that has First Ban and 2 for the other team) for the first Hero Pick Phase. Then, Captains can ban 3 more heroes (Starting with the team that did not have First Ban at the start of the game), and finally Captains will pick as follow [2-2-1] (total of 5 picks, 3 for the team that did not have First Ban and 2 for the other team) for the second Hero Pick Phase.

● Servers

♦ EU vs USE (Single Game): Random
♦ EU vs USE (BO3): First Game (EU), Second Game (USE), Third Game (Random)
♦ EU vs USE (BO5): First Game (EU), Second Game (USE), Third Game (EU), Forth Game (USE), Fifth Game (Random)
♦ EU vs USW: USE server
♦ EU vs AUS: USW server
♦ US vs AUS: USW server

- LAT-based teams: Register as USE
- CIS-based teams: Register as EU

● Sides

♦ Single Game: Random
♦ BO3: Teams swap sides in the first two rounds, and the third round is Random.
♦ BO5: Teams swap sides in the first four rounds, and the fifth round is Random.

● First Ban

♦ Single Game: Random
♦ BO3: First two rounds will be left on Legion (default), and the third round is Random.
♦ BO5: First four rounds will be left on Legion (default), and the fifth round is Random.

- Different Regions: The team that has a ping disadvantage will always have the First Ban (Legion side) except in the Random rounds (Random rounds overwrite this rule)

➡ Random: Both team leaders will make a Roll in front of the organizer in the [rolls] channel in the Discord server (by typing 1d100) and the one that rolls the higher number wins and gets to choose between Server OR First Ban & Sides, and the opposing team will have the other(s).
- If both teams are from the same region (server), then the roll winner will have to choose between First Ban OR Sides.

● Time Attendance

All team members must be present 10 minutes prior to the match specified time, all lobbies will expire after +10 minutes of the specified time and will cause a team elimination.

- If a match took longer than the specified time, the next team/match will have to wait until said match is done.

● Game Exploits & Violations

It is illegal to intentionally utilize any game exploits for the purpose of generating a competitive advantage. the Admin has the discretion to determine the intention and extent of the violation and penalty.

- This includes using direct pathing to intentionally cliff walk into unpathable areas, or out of spells (the use of direct pathing is allowed otherwise)

● Pauses

Is it forbidden to un-pause an enemy's pause, if a team un-pauses an enemy's pause it will cause a team warning, and the second one leads to elimination.
It is also forbidden to un-pause without the enemy's team knowledge, always ask the enemy team if "Ready" before un-pausing, if a team un-pauses without the enemy's team knowledge it will cause a team warning, and the second one leads to elimination.

● Remakes & Disconnects

Contact the admin in case of any server/player problem to solve it, if the game got a remake or if the server crashed then the admin will make a new lobby (if it's a streamed match, otherwise the players will have to make a new lobby) if the remake was after the Picking Phase then both teams must choose the same heroes. If the game was abandoned in the Picking Phase then both teams must choose the heroes that were already chosen without affecting the rest of the picks.
The admin decides what to do in any other situation.

● Manners & Behavior

It is expected for both teams to uphold good manners and follow the rules of the game, as well as the guidelines set forth by the tournament organizers. This includes showing respect towards the opposing team and their players, refraining from unsportsmanlike conduct or behavior, and maintaining a positive and cooperative attitude throughout the tournament. By doing so, players can help foster a welcoming and enjoyable competitive environment that encourages fair play and mutual respect.

📢 Feel free to ask any questions or make any requests by joining the Discord server or contacting: [email protected]