Fifa 21 Tournament

No show:

1.Each player has 10 minutes to show up to a match. (scheduled match start time +10 minutes). Not showing up within 10 minutes results in a default loss.

Rules of Disconnection:

1.If the score is 0-0 its a rematch.
2.If the player is winning (till the 75th min.) and he disconnects, the match resumes at the exact same time with the same score.

Super League:

1.Win = 3points, Draw = 1 Point, Loss = 0 Points
2.A League of two rounds is going to take place. A home and an away match is played by each player.
3.Top 4 players will advance to the next stage (knockout stage).

Knockout Stage:

1.Each player must play 2 matches against his opponent (home and away) except the Grand final.
2.The player that has the most goals, advances to the next round.
3.In case of a draw (after the second game), replay the match.

Game settings
Clubs only
Half length : 6 mins
Controls : Any
Game speed : Normal
Squad type : online