Playoffs > Losers Bracket > LB Round 2
[CATS] ArrayCats
[NAIVE] The man who changed China
[CATS] ArrayCats
[NAIVE] The man who changed China

Players in the match

[CATS] ArrayCats

[CATS] Meguru_0v0
No information on this player
[CATS] The_Steel_Shadow
No information on this player
[CATS] _Lalala
No information on this player
[CATS] SKreuz
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[VOR] Nephren_Ruq_Insania
No information on this player
[CATS] misamaSSS
No information on this player
[CATS] saya_poi_poi
No information on this player
[GPF] TowardsXY
No information on this player
[CATS] arm_TOM
No information on this player
[CATS] BlueWhite_Pants
No information on this player
[KM-MM] Escape_From_WOWS
No information on this player
[CATS] Shizuku_0v0
No information on this player
[CATS] Ayatsuji_0v0
No information on this player

[NAIVE] The man who changed China

[NAIVE] Senaviev
No information on this player
[NAIVE] Bellu_Sein
No information on this player
[NAIVE] Ayase_p
No information on this player
[NAIVE] Turnkey07_
No information on this player
[NAIVE] yunpoqianlan
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[NAIVE] Cosin233
No information on this player
[NAIVE] Hades_XB
No information on this player
[NAVIE] Maoyf
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[NAVIE] bismarck__sama
No information on this player
[NAVIE] HMS_Unicorn_My_Angel
No information on this player
[NAVIE] AutismLeopard
No information on this player
[NAVIE] Waniaun
No information on this player
[NAVIE] Undeflned
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[NAIVE] Hunter_WOW
No information on this player
[NAIVE] Yuzuriha_Inori_Prprpr
No information on this player