Players in the match

Cégep Sainte-Foy #1

Nom de l'équipe: Légionnaires
Player #1
Summoner Name: Pichu7223
Discord ID: pichu7223#6543
Player #2 Joueur responsable
Summoner Name: The Space One
Discord ID: The Space One#9891
Player #3
Summoner Name: Makimãs Dog
Discord ID: Idaen #5881
Player #4
Summoner Name: Makimã
Discord ID: Dys#5732
Player #5
Summoner Name: Koyokoko3283
Discord ID: Koyokoko#9594
Player #6
Summoner Name: Titiramisu
Discord ID: Titi#8276
Summoner Name: Lord JG
Discord ID: JEAN BOBINO#7777
Summoner Name: Moyneau
Discord ID: Moyneau#6696

Cégep Sainte-Foy #2

Nom de l'équipe: Légionnaires
Player #1
Summoner Name: elink25
Discord ID: Elink#4845
Player #2
Summoner Name: RoiduSaguenay
Discord ID: wewillbezoomin#8403
Player #3
Summoner Name: asd316X
Discord ID: Shyvint #2697
Player #4
Summoner Name: Cinamon09
Discord ID: Cinamon09#8945
Player #5 Joueur Responsable
Summoner Name: CuteFoxSpirit
Discord ID: Ahri-goureux#1099
Player #6
Summoner Name: SpicySmartDad
Discord ID: Matheus Lucena#3042
Player #7
Summoner Name: Wazy07
Discord ID: Wazy#9403
Player #8
Summoner Name: thebegood
Discord ID: Nopa#4412
Player #9
Summoner Name: AceEagleRedHot
Discord ID: AceEagle#7146
Summoner Name: Lord JG
Discord ID: JEAN BOBINO#7777
Summoner Name: Moyneau
Discord ID: Moyneau#6696