Cégep Jonquière
Cégep Champlain - St. Lawrence
Cégep Jonquière
Cégep Champlain - St. Lawrence

Players in the match

Cégep Jonquière

Nom d'équipe: n/a
Twitch: n/a
Player #1
Summoner Name: KC Sulli
Discord: S u l l i 🦊#0202
Player #2
Summoner Name: BlackJ4x
Discord: BlackJ4x#2353
Player #3
Summoner Name: ArchaicCougar
Discord: ArchaicCougar#3069
Player #4
Summoner Name: Kyhunse
Discord: Kyhunse#0404
Player #5
Summoner Name: COD3 002
Discord: Cod3 002 #3806
Player #6
Summoner Name: ImpishAce
Discord: ImpishAce#7477
Player #7
Summoner Name: UndyingBag0414
Discord: Undyingbag#8906
Summoner Name: MRI Dylix
Discord: Dylix#6110

Cégep Champlain - St. Lawrence

Nom d'équipe: Nom de l'équipe
Twitch: n/a
Player #1
Summoner Name: Empress Of Night
Discord: ovencake#9967
Player #2
Summoner Name: ShakerDlaPyra
Discord: Thibz#0762
Player #3
Summoner Name: Portgold
Discord: Portgold85#4702
Player #4
Summoner Name: fr0stom
Discord: Frostom#4932
Player #5
Summoner Name: YouSillyDodo
Discord: Yatonfire #9452
Player #6
Summoner Name: cheetohead22
Discord: CheetoHead#1879
Summoner Name: Deletix
Discord: Deletix#7756