Players in the match

La jouj

Captain / Contact Nickname: Sherokhi
El Shero
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: STEAM_0:1:173138242
Saucisson sec
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: STEAM_0:1:103047527
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: 28b532d24bd441c88d037d2c776a85f3

Lunzer Army

Captain / Contact Nickname: The Forestbird
The Forestbird
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: TheForestbird
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: lukobot28
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: Timbo0213
Country: Switzerland
Steam ID / PSN / XboX Live / Nintendo Network / EPIC: patrycez