eG tournament 2nd Edition

eG tournament 2nd Edition

By Achille
Online, eG ETpro MATCH Servers
eG tournament 2nd Edition - 6v6

Teams and Players :

• Players must use their own in-game nickname with their team tag. (teamtag.nickname)

• Each team will have a « leader » for better management

• The leader will chose a teamtag for his team.

• Players can’t change their teams without permission from an admin.

• Each player must make a demo before each round.

Matches - General

• All matches are played in stopwatch mode with the global6 config.

• Selfkill, spawn timer, spawnkilling and walljump are allowed

• Weapons which aren’t restricted by the global6 config are allowed.

• 2 maps will be played for each match.

• Win a map give your team 1 point.

• Loose a map give 0 point.

• Before each match, both leader of each team will choose a map in the map list. They will play both maps before going spect/out.

• If the score is tied after two maps (2-2), a third map must be played with ONE round. The team which wins the cointoss chooses which team attacks.

Note :

- Once the match has started, match results count unless both teams agree that it shouldn't. Lag, ping issues, or incorrect server settings are no excuse for leaving; every player should check the server before the start of the match.

- If both teams select the same map, then the second map is chosen by cointoss. - In case of disagreement, a cointoss will decide which map is played first.

- If one of the team disconnects before the match is over for any reason, their opponent has the right to claim the win of the round/match. - If one player disconnects, the team has the right to pause the game and find another player for replacement if needed.

Maplist :

(1) Adlernest

(2) Frostbite

(3) Sw goldrush te

(4) Sp delivery te

(5) Braundorf final

(6) Supply

(7) Tc base

(8) Bremen

(9) Caen

(10) Radar

(11) Oasis TE

(12) Erdenberg b3