ICE IntMakers
K1 Team
ICE IntMakers
K1 Team

Players in the match

ICE IntMakers

Tag: IIM
Mohamed Abdou ELbasty
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: Basto intmaker
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: Frozzen
mohamed salah
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: med0z
Omar Abdelaziz
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: DÓG Adc
ahmed hosam
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: TiltGonDySadSalt
mohamed salah
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: MED0Ź
Mohamed Abdou ELbasty
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: basto flzr3a v2

K1 Team

Tag: K1
naem khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: GTR is my dream
wasem khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: King of Nexus
adam khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: G2 AdamKHT
farok khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: farokkht1
rami khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: Broxahfury
taem khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: taemkh
fade khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: KHT T1 Fade
hadi khateb
Country: Egypt
Summoner Name: hadikh