QueeN Walkers
Darkest MuZhan
QueeN Walkers
Darkest MuZhan

Players in the match

QueeN Walkers

Clan Tag: #99VPU9Y0
Representative discord tag: yuta14|HagureMetaL/QueeN Walkers#4175
Second representative discord tag: GAKU | QueeN Walkers #0640
Pays: Japan
Player Tag: #Q0JUVQL9
Discord tag: yuta14|HagureMetaL/QueeN Walkers#4175
Discord ID: 283778598341443594
Country of the player: 日本
Country of the account: 日本
Player Tag: #PPCRRR0
Discord tag: GAKU | QueeN Walkers#0640
Discord ID: 211104872240513024
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #C8L8VYJ0
Discord tag: AKIRA | QueeN Walkers#1848
Discord ID: 277070948715462656
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #LR82GYQJ
Discord tag: Klaus | QueeN Walkers#6142
Discord ID: 276689945152978944
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #V9P9LCLP
Discord tag: ☆★☆★☆(STARs)|QW#8169
Discord ID: 447742744551489536
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #UQPGUCPU
Discord tag: stadra|QueeN Walkers#4228
Discord ID: 402305197789151242
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Lv.0 Choucas
Player Tag: #8GJUQQY0
Discord tag: choucas#9736
Discord ID: 298565919108497408
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a

Darkest MuZhan

Clan Tag: #2PC9ULCLV
Representative discord tag: Wendy#2677
Second representative discord tag: n/a
Pays: n/a
Player Tag: #YVU2VYQ9R
Discord tag: MUZHAN-Wei#9811
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: China
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #Y220CRV9
Discord tag: Kartik#8886
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #LC8JRY2U2
Discord tag: twentyfiveplus#8839
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #QULQ9QQ0
Discord tag: Bee#9761
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a
Player Tag: #LRYV8QUC0
Discord tag: Tai#9498
Discord ID: n/a
Country of the player: n/a
Country of the account: n/a