3rd EMC Int. PvP Cup

The 3rd EMC International PvP Cup sponsored by CBT GANG INC, Nigeria and Walmart

By The EMC Olympic Committee
Online, EarthMC
1. Game Setup
- Each matchup will be played as best of 3 rounds
- To score a point the player must defeat the opponent in combat
- Armor is to be returned to the players after every round
- If a player fails to show up on time to their game they forfeit the match
- If any major outside interruptions occur the round will be replayed

2. Equipment
- No restriction on Armor
- No restriction on enchantments
- All foods allowed EXPECT for Golden Apples and Suspicious Stews
- Only Swords, Axes and shields allowed
- Only Fire Resistance and Speed 2 Potions allowed
- Any items not mentioned above are not allowed

3. Spectators
- Be courteous to participants and competitors
- Have fun!