TMG Second Life Tournament

TMG Second Life Tournament

By Trademark Gaming League
The following weapons are not allowed:

•All Scout DMR/SLRs
•All Medic DMRs/SLRs
•All Assault SARs/DMRs
•Lewis Gun
•Rapid Fire Thompson
•All Shotguns
•M28 con Tromboncino
•Commando Carbine
•Trench Carbine
•PO8 Carbine
•All Anti tank carbines
•Any pick up weapon found on map
•Any tides of war weapon that is bought in company coins or unlocked through assignments. Guns available to everyone are allowed. (This will be revisited from time to time and adjusted by council as seen fit)

The following squad reinforcements are not available:

•All vehicles
•Artillery barrage

The following class perk is not permitted:

•Machine gunner perk

The following gadgets are not permitted:

•HEAT T ROUNDS for the Sherman tank
•Flares(including decoy and tank flares)
•Spawn Beacons
•AP Mines

The following vehicles are not allowed:

•Valentine AA MK I
•Flakpanzer IV
•Tiger I
•Churchill gun carrier
•No tank to be used on mercury map

Map bans:

•Pacific Storm is to be burned
•Al Sundan is to be burned
•Marita is to be burned
•Operation Metro is to be burned
•Iwo Jima is to be burned

Tournament and Other rules:

•There is a 25 roster limit per team

•Wins are by maps won, not tickets

•A total of 5 maps are to played (Best of 5). Maps will be at random.

•In the event that RSP is launched pre tournament or mid tournament the match map rules will change to best of 3 maps. Each team will pick one map, play both sides and agree to a tie breaker map.

•There is a class restriction of 4 assault, 4 medic, 2 support and 2 scout and 1 tank

•3x scope on assault and support class is NOT allowed

•The Mountain pass glitch on Fjell is not allowed (The mountain that is above the B flag)

•No roof tops unless accessible by ladder or ledge/wall/ramp/box (no glitches)

•Each team is to provide two team captains from the east USA region, and join the server with the other team together. Both teams agree to a clock start time after balancing teams. In the event your out of region or don’t have any EAST USA players pls @ref to get further assistance before your match is to be started so we can assist you further.

•Start times are scheduled to ensure tournament finishes within 4 days in the two week period. Each team has a 20 minute grace period to enter the server. In the event that a random is in server and won’t leave the teams should restart server search.

•If there is not contact from the other team, the round will be forfeited after 20 minutes of no contact

•No spectator is allowed from either team.

Forfeits and Penalties:

* Penalty of 25 points will be deducted to any rule violation such as using 3x scope or rapid Tommy gun. Each kill made will result in -25 points off round score. If the same rule is broken more then 3 times by the same player then that round will result in a forfeit/loss.

* If a team is caught using spectator it will result in a match forfeit.

•In the event you’d like to dispute a rule or report a violation please record or screen shot it on xbl for evidence. This doesn’t have to be submitted until after the round is played. Pls @ref in game day chat to submit evidence and await decision made by the game ref.