Maximus League
Number of Bans: 4
Ban Timer: 15
Number of Rounds: 12
Attacker/Defender Role swap: 6
Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
Attacker Unique Spawn: On
Pick Phase Timer: 15
6TH Pick Phase: On
6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
Reveal Phase Timer: 5
Damage Handicap: 100
Friendly Fire Damage: 100
Injured: 20
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: Off

Plant Duration: 7
Defuse Duration: 7
Fuse Time: 45
Defuse Carrier Selection: On
Preparation Phase Duration: 45
Action Phase Duration: 180

No Wamai or Kali

ESL Map Pool:
- Bank
- Border
- Club House
- Coastline
- Consulate
- Villa
- Kafe

Teams: Teams are allowed a roster size of 5 players and 3 subs. If you are wanting to make a change to your roster please speak to an Admin/Mod.

If someone disconnects in the prep phase then this will result in a rehost.
If someone disconnects mid-round if it is longer than 15 seconds in then no rehost will be allowed and the round must be carried out.
- Once the round ends then the rehost will take place. However, there will only be allowed 1 rehost per team, per map
For bugs the team's rehost will not be affected but the game will only be rehosted 2 times due to bugs.

If the problem persists an admin will be contacted by the caster to come and make a judgement on the decision and take appropriate action

Killing somebody instantly after spawning without any chance to react or move away will be rated as spawn-killing and ​will be rated as glitching/bug using.

Killing somebody who already spawned, moved out of cover or is spawn-rushed is considered spawn-peeking and ​will not ​be rated as glitching/bug using. There will be no reprimand or consequence.

No Shows:
If a team is unable to start the scheduled game within 15 minutes of its original start time then the game will be forfeited.