Praetorian eSports Cup
MoSS is required for the tournament.

The Rules from the Praetorian eSports Tournament are the same as the ESL Rules.

1. Eligibility
Any person that has a standing cheating ban by Ubisoft for Rainbow Six Siege is ineligible to participate in the tournament.

2. Connection
Everyone is responsible to have as good connection as possible for their team region and technical situation. Also, all downloads and other programs which are unnecessary for the match must be turned off. For abusing this rule, the team can be disqualified. The ping limit is 130 ms

3. Technical Issues
Players are responsible for their own hardware and internet connection. Matches will not be rescheduled because of technical issues or substitute a player. If a team can´t play with the amount of players which are written in the requirements then this will be resulted as forfeit.

4. No show
If a contestant is not ready to play after 15 minutes, then they should be reported as a no show to an admin via Discord. The countdown starts from the moment both teams have progressed to the match, and not at the time stated in the match page.

5. Protests
If a controversial situation not described by this rulebook occurs during a match, the team that has spotted it should immediately stop the match and inform the administrator about it. If the team does not stop the match and continues to play, will be taken as an acceptance of the situation. Because of that the team will lose all rights to file a protest concerning that situation after the game has ended. Protests must be made immediately, or they may be ignored depending on the circumstances.

6. High Ping
The ping limit for this Tournament 130 ms. If a player is over this value please try to do a re-host first, before a protest is opened. Be sure a dedicated server was created. In the case the player has still a ping over 130 ms and it´s not possible to play the match without problems, a protest can be opened. It only counts as high ping if the ping is continuously over 130 (same player)! By opening a protest due to high ping the match mustn´t be finished and the team must hand in at least three screenshots of the scoreboard which was taken in different time over two rounds (In action phase).

7. Results
Both teams are responsible to enter correct results on the website. Therefore, both teams should take a screenshot at the end of the match, where we can see the correct results if there's an issue for later.

8. No glitching
This includes anything classified as a glitch by ESL, any controversial glitches will be assessed by an admin separately

9. Bad Behaviour
So toxic behavior including chatting shit, racism, sexism etc. will result in ban from any Praetorian eSports Tournaments in the future. In short don't be a dick.

10. Game settings
Matches have to be played with the following settings:

10.1. Settings
Playlist Type: Normal Mode
Server Type: Dedicated Server
Voice Chat: Team Only
Time of the Day: Day
HUD Settings: Pro League


Number of Bans: 4
Ban Timer: 20
Number of Rounds: 12
Attacker/Defender Role swap: 6
Overtime Rounds: 3
Overtime Score Difference: 2
Overtime Role Change: 1
Objective Rotation Parameter: 2
Objective Type Rotation: Rounds Played
Attacker Unique Spawn: On
Pick Phase Timer: 15
6TH Pick Phase: On
6TH Pick Phase Timer: 15
Reveal Phase Timer: 5
Damage Handicap: 100
Friendly Fire Damage: 100
Injured: 20
Sprint: On
Lean: On
Death Replay: Off

Plant duration: 7
Defuse duration: 7
Fuse time: 45
Preparation: 45
Action: 180
Defuser Carrier Selection: On

10.4. Operator:
Nøkk and Warden are not allowed to be used!

10.5. Mappool
Club House
Kafe Dostoyevsky