My opponent hasn’t joined the server yet, what do I do?
Wait for 15 mins after the round start time. If the opponent does not join the server, report the concern to the admin & wait for a resolution. If no resolution if given till round time ends, you can give yourself a win in case opponent has still not joined the server.

I haven’t been allotted a server, I’m in round 1, what can I do?
Please wait as you will be allotted the server as per availability of the servers. Reach out to the admin in case of delays in allotment of the servers.

I’m getting a Map Error; how can I fix this?

Search for aim_map files in your steam folder and delete all files with name <aim_map>
Paste these commands one by one in console
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_allowupload 1
Try connecting again via Join Match button or connect command.

My opponent isn’t responding, what do I do?
If your opponent doesn’t reply within 15 mins of commencement of the any round, report it to the admin on Facebook/Discord. At round end also, if the opponent has not joined the server or responded on any of the platforms, you can proceed to give yourself the win.

My opponent has uploaded the wrong score ?
Reach out to the admin or support team either on discord or Facebook to correct the score immediately. Please keep any of the proof of score (Screenshot or Video) ready to be shared with the admins. They will require the same to correct the score. Any wrong input of the score will be penalised by disqualification from the tournament.

My opponent is using a cheat or an unfair method to win ?
Report the case to the admin and present your case with a proof (Screenshot or Video). If the opponent is found guilty, they will be disqualified from the tournament, and you will be given the win

Disciplinary Note:
Players are expected to compete in a professional manner. Throwing a match, halting play without cause, or showing a flagrant lack of effort will be construed as a violation of player conduct and will result in match forfeit and disqualification from the tournament.