DHMTL18 - Duo Fortnite BYOC

By DreamHack Montreal

1.1 Players

- People of a team registered as a player for the competition.
- Each player can play for only one team during the entire competition.
- Only registered players can compete in the tournament.
- If a team cannot regroup 2 registered players, the team cannot play the game and can receive a penalty.
- Every single player has to be connected on the official Discord of the tournament, communicated by an administrator.
- Every single player has to be physically present at Dreamhack Montreal to participate in any games of the tournament.

1.2 Captain

- Each team have to choose a player to be their captain. The captain is the link between the organizers, administrators and his team before, during and after the event.
- The team must give captain’s contact details to the organizer.
- The captain has to be a player.
- Captains are allowed to stream. Stream snipping is forbidden. We ask streamer to have a 3-min delay minimum.
- At the arrival, the captain must check-in his team at the tournament administrators.
- The captain will have to be available and join the dedicated channel on the official Discord when asked by administrators.

1.3 Substitute player

- Player with the ability to play tournament games if he substitutes a teammate.
- The identity of the substitute has to be communicated to administrators before the beginning of the first game.
- The substitute player cannot be a participant of the same tournament.


Each game has to be launched with the tournament code communicated by the administrator to the team captain on the dedicated channel on the official Discord.

Each stage of the tournament is played in a series of games. Teams gain points for each game. The final ranking of the stage will be defined by the total of points earned during the stage. The number of points is reset to zero after each stage. Points are calculated with the addition of :

- Points by ranking : the rank at which your team finished a game will score you points
- Points by kill : Each elimination score you points. An elimination is valid when the game gives a kill to the player.

In case of equality after a stage round, the number of first place will cut the tie. If the equality remains, the number of kills is compared. If the equality persists, the number of second, then third, then fourth and so on will cut the tie. If there is still an equality, administrators will decide the best way of cutting the tie.

Point allocations are as follows :

1st: 300 points
2nd: 240 points
3rd: 200 points
4th: 170 points
5th: 150 points
6th: 130 points
7th: 120 points
8th: 110 points
9th: 100 points
10th: 90 points
11th: 80 points
12th: 70 points
13th: 60 points
14th: 50 points
15th: 40 points
16th: 30 points
17th: 20 points
18th: 10 points
19th+: 0 point

Kill: 10 points


Any behavior considered as non-fair play by administrators by any participants and/or « accompagnateur » may lead to sanctions.

3.1 Before a game

- Players have to be ready to play on time. Each player is responsible for following the schedule.
- You are allowed to play games in-between those of the tournament.
- The captain of each team will receive the tournament code to join games on the dedicated channel of the official Discord.
- You must NOT communicate the code to anyone. Giving codes to people other than your teammates may lead to sanctions and/or disqualification.
- You must be aware of the administrator’s communications in the channel at all time. Crucial information about a game may be communicated via Discord.

3.2 During a game

- Players, alive or eliminated, must remain in front of their screen and cannot try to obtain information about other teams or games until every member of their team is eliminated.
- A player cannot help another team by giving information about other players. This rule applies in game and during spare times.
- If a player gets disconnected or a bug occurs, they may try to reconnect to the game. No game will be replayed or restarted as soon as a player leaves the bus.
- Players cannot « snipe » other players as they’re streaming. Doing so will automatically disqualify their team from the game and they will receive 0 point.
- Appareance of teaming is prohibited. Teams proven to do so will be disqualified from the game and receive 0 point.

3.3 After a game

- Players must take screenshots of their score at the end of each game in case of a dispute and keep them for the whole tournament.
- Players must keep their replays until the final ranking of the current stage is validated by an administrator.
- Each team must provide their game position and total number of kills at the end of each game. Administrator may ask for a screenshot at any time at their sole discretion.
- Each player has a responsibility to remember the schedule for the next game they’re in. No delay will be given.


Team captains are required to physically check-in on Friday at the admin table.

Tournament registration will closed on Friday September 7th at 9:00PM EST. The group stages will be displayed afterwards.

The tournament will start Saturday, September 8 at 9:00 am. Except if specified, times and hours given by administrators are in EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

The schedule has to be respected. Changes to the schedule is at the administrators discretion and will be informed to players.

If a captain does not join the dedicated channel of the official Discord according to the schedule, or if a team is late to join matchmaking one the codes have been distributed by an administrator, the game may launch without them. The team that do not join a match will receive 0 point for said match.


Each player must use the official Discord given by the administrators. From the preparation to the elimination of the last team of a game, players must remain connected to the Discord to facilitate communications.


- The ruling may be changed at any point in time. Changes will be given to each player accordingly.
- Ruling may be added, modified or removed during the Captain’s briefing.
- Each player is responsible for its equipment.
- Players must follow Dreamhack rules at all times.
- There will be no tolerance towards non-fair-play behavior, physical or verbal abuse towards players, staffs, or any participant. Misconducts, or any other behavior judged inappropriate by tournament administrators, Dreamhack staff and in-house security may result in warnings and or sanctions. Warnings and sanctions may lead to the immediate removal of the player and his team from the tournament and/or the Dreamhack event.
- Cheating, or using third-party programs is strictly prohibited. Any player proven to be cheating will be instantly removed from the tournament and/or the Dreamhack event.
- Any communications to other teams that may disadvantage other teams/players during the duration of the tournament, in-game or not, may be sanctioned.
- You may talk to any Dreamhack administrators if you see any improper or suspicious behavior.
- You may challenge scoring to the tournament administrators. Procedures and decisions are at the discretion of the administrators.
- Any Dreamhack administrators decisions are final.
- Drugs, alcohol or any illegal substances on-site, any illegal activities and gambling is prohibited.
- Players on the effects of drugs, alcohol or illegal substances may be removed from the tournament and/or the Dreamhack event.